Panavia Tornado ECR - 50° Stormo *WIP*
June 9, 2020Planning and studying2
June 9, 2020Pitot probe and AOA vanes3
June 9, 2020The kit with its extras (missing the BOZ EC pods)4
June 9, 2020First fit test, used some old guitar strings and copper wire to create the oxygen tubes (I think they are)5
June 9, 2020Nose wheel well6
June 9, 2020Nose gear with some added details (plus guitar string for the springs)7
June 9, 2020Fit test8
June 9, 2020Fit test9
June 9, 2020Fit test10
June 9, 2020Primed with some added wiring, tubing and PEs11
June 9, 2020Top view12
June 9, 2020Primed, unfortunately some glue ruined a spring13
June 9, 2020The PE sheet before detailing14
June 9, 2020Painted NWW15
June 9, 2020Original seat (L), resin seat (R) (missing the custom oxygen tubes)16
June 9, 2020MLG, added PE details plus some extra wiring17
June 9, 2020MLG wheel well (PE plus custom wiring)18
June 9, 2020Completed seats19
June 9, 2020Another angle20
June 9, 2020Little gap between cockpit and fuselage pieces to fix21
June 9, 2020Fixing22
June 9, 2020Refuelling probe (PE plus some more wiring)23
June 9, 2020Cockpit painted24
June 9, 2020Nav station detailing25
June 9, 2020Completed pilot instruments (0.4mm wire to compare, used to paint the dots)26
June 9, 2020Nav (L) and pilot (R) instrument panels27
June 9, 2020Nav station detailed28
June 9, 2020And cockpit glued together29
June 9, 202030
June 9, 2020NLG well31
June 9, 2020Cockpit32
June 9, 202033
June 9, 202034
June 9, 2020Painted the aluminum parts35
June 9, 2020HUD mount36
June 9, 2020Fit test (I realized when glueing the MLG that I forgot to add weights in there...)37
June 9, 2020Wheels38
June 9, 2020Sanding the gaps between the two parts of the fuselage, changed some avionics on the front39
June 9, 2020Canopy interior details from an old guitar string40
June 9, 2020Painting the inner canopy base41
June 9, 2020Added the strings plus some extra details42
June 9, 202043
June 9, 2020mirrors added44
June 9, 2020Completed inner canopy45
June 9, 202046
June 9, 2020Speedbrake vanes to be reworked from scratch47
June 9, 2020Much better now48
June 9, 2020Difference49
June 9, 202050
June 9, 2020Some filling and sanding here and there...51
June 9, 2020Adding some (more) details to the MLG wells52
June 9, 2020Engine assembly glued53
June 9, 2020Modified and detailed engine assembly54
June 9, 2020Another look at the canopy with the HUD55
June 9, 202056
June 9, 202057
June 9, 202058
June 9, 2020Painted all the lights59
June 9, 2020Added top antenna (from wooden toothpick)60
June 9, 2020Completed MLG wells61
June 9, 2020MLG wells plus doors62
June 9, 2020Adding some more details to the speed brake vanes63
June 9, 2020Ready for the black paint64
June 9, 2020Nose antennas and probes installed65
June 9, 2020Checking the fit66
June 9, 2020Fixing67
June 9, 2020Much better now, although I lost some panel lines68
June 9, 2020Fixing the top69
June 9, 2020Finished result70
June 9, 2020Last look before final priming71
June 9, 2020Primed72
June 9, 202073
June 9, 202074
June 9, 2020AGM-88C HARM missiles ready to rock75
June 9, 2020Shading76
June 9, 202077
June 9, 202078
June 9, 2020First hand of base color79
June 9, 202080
June 9, 202081
June 9, 2020Weathering the fuel tanks with the salt technique82
June 9, 2020MLG well details83
June 9, 2020Checking the wing rotation marks84
June 9, 202085
June 9, 2020Canopy holder86
June 9, 2020Differences87
June 9, 2020Base color done after 4 layers88
June 9, 202089
June 9, 202090
June 9, 202091
June 9, 202092
June 9, 2020Adding some black details93
June 9, 202094
June 9, 202095
June 9, 202096
June 9, 2020Pointy thingy ready to sting97
June 9, 2020Added chrome leading edges98
June 9, 202099
June 9, 2020100
June 9, 2020101
June 9, 2020Shading the engines102
June 9, 2020Masked103
June 9, 2020Colours used:
- Metallic Blue (X-13 Tamiya)
- Red brown (XF-64)
- Gun metal (X-10)104
June 9, 2020105
June 9, 2020And first step done, already looking good. Painted with X-56106
June 9, 2020107
June 9, 2020108
June 9, 2020109
June 9, 2020110
June 9, 2020Added some light silver weathering111
June 9, 2020112
June 9, 2020Wingtips details113
June 9, 2020114
June 9, 2020Completed canopy115
June 9, 2020116
June 9, 2020Ready for decals117
June 9, 2020118
June 9, 2020Decals ready on the rudder119
June 9, 2020120
June 9, 2020121
June 9, 2020Getting ready to weather the rudder122
June 9, 2020123
June 9, 2020124
June 9, 2020Looking dirty...125
June 9, 2020126
June 9, 2020127
June 9, 2020Almost there and already biting128
June 9, 2020Finally got the BOZ EC pod (the other one wasn't shipped 🙁 )129
June 9, 2020Let's move to the panel liner130
June 9, 2020"Wash me"131
June 9, 2020Weathered and completed engine132
June 9, 2020A nice and used Tornado beginning to take the final shape133
June 9, 2020Weathering the fuel tanks with some dry brushing only134
June 9, 2020135
June 9, 2020Looking goooood136
June 9, 2020137
June 9, 2020138
June 9, 2020139
June 9, 2020140
June 9, 2020Final engine look141
June 9, 2020Masking for weathering142
June 9, 2020Canopy weathered and ready143
June 9, 2020Added some more engine weathering with Tamiya pigments and brushes (the ones looking like makeup...)144
June 9, 2020Canopy with its mount145
June 9, 2020Speedbrakes ready146
June 9, 2020AGM-88's weathered147
June 9, 2020Finally received the second pod 😉148
June 9, 2020Final details and glueing. Had to shorten the NLG to balance the model (always remember weights...)149
June 9, 2020Nose section150
June 9, 2020A look from the tail151
June 15, 2020152
July 26, 2020EC pods with decals and a light coat of grey paint to soften the black details
14 October 2019, 22:06

Very nice and detailed work 👍!
I believe your friends dad will love it too!
10 June 2020, 20:57

Thank you very much Konrad! I am about to complete the BOZ EC pods and then I will post the completed subject😉
10 June 2020, 21:04