Current Collection Display
23 5 January 2020, 23:27

The spaceship on the launch pad, on top, third from the right, is that perhaps the Hasegawa in 1:200, or, is that maybe some 1:144 kit?
6 January 2020, 14:53

Great Display! Roman Lappat from Massive Voodoo has a nice Tut for making this Ikea-Cabinet dust-proof:
7 January 2020, 12:52

Quite an unique subject and very well presented. I love that eagle transporter!
7 January 2020, 21:25

... ... Sorry, I spaced out for a second 😛 These are out of this world...
30 January 2020, 22:23

😄 Nice
I guess those lights inside the Detolf cabinets, are aftermarket lights.
Q: Anything special about the globes at the bottom of the photo?
26 July 2022, 15:19

Treehugger - The lights in the Detolf cases are IKEA LEDBerg light kits (but have been discontinued). The globes are (left to right) fightable Constellation globe, vintage Constellation globe, Moon Globe, vintage World Globe with (USSR, East Germany, etc) since it relates to the Soviet era N1 Rocket and Buran in/on that case.
26 July 2022, 15:51
Album info
This is my current display wall of space and aerospace models. IKEA Detolf cases with LEDBerg lights. The vast majority of kits are 1:144 scale. Currently working on several kits (see current Projects list for details, but am about to start the Moebius 1:144 XD-1 'Discovery' (which will require wall mounts to display). Hopefully 2022 will be a productive year.