MikroMir's HMS SSBN Resolution

Would be nice to have been done with the paintwork here, but I sort of think the white waterline seen in photo 15 ended up being much too thick. 🙁 I am not sure this submarine have the waterline painted on normally, though the paint guide suggest as much. I used the lazy option of using the thinnest masking tape I had, which is 1 mm. Still, too wide.

Looks good to me, but of course I don't have pictures of the actual sub.

I hope you like it. 🙂 It is really fun getting to see results like this, as I have some ten sub kits in my stash, or more. 😄 Learning some more stuff, little by little.
Edit: Oh, I nearly fogot, I've seen a no-slip surface on the top deck on a photo, I will airbrush on matte varnish to make this look like a no-slip area. I already tried this on some other model and it looked nice.
I imagine one could add some basic weathering, like stripes going from the upper side and down towards the water, but I don't really know what to use. I guess, it is time to find a scrap model and try stuff out. I will add a gloss coat or two or three, and then a satin varnish with maybe some matte varnish mixed into it. Also, there are some decals, the propeller to be glued on, the masts, and I guess I could add some figures. Also, I nearly forgot, because I painted the sub in a lighter black, I should be able to add some black pin wash around the missile tube hatches.

I added water stains and rust streaks to my Gato class sub using white oil paint, burnt umber and pastel chalk. Just apply a small drop of oil paint where you want the streak, and using a stiff bristle brush just stroke downward, If it is to much, just dab the brush in enamel thinner and remove most of the thinner on a rag, then repeat the downward stroke until you get the effect you want.

Interesting. Hm, I have this other hull I've painted, but failed to clean things up properly (USS Thresher). I guess I should look for some proper oils next week.🙂 I could use that painted model as a test/scrap model. No big deal.
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I think this can be built to become a nice looking model, but it seems the top part for the deck is a very poor fit.
I have been scraping the plastic here and there, and sanding, and scratching my head, but alas, I never truly managed to get a good fit. And so, what I did what, doing something that I thought was good enough, and is shown as the first photo in my album. The top deck is under some tension but I think it will be ok. I first glued on the front side, then added masking tape which prevent the front side sagging back, then I taped the center and rear side and adding glue.
I spent some quality time on the sail/tower to get to hide all the seams and also retain the panel lines. 🙂
I will probably customize the included stand, which has two vertical stand off parts. I will replace the stand off parts with sheet styrene that the model can rest on.