Leopard 1V Papamovil

You got me with '1V'! That's a designation only the Dutch Army used. 🙂 Great to see this one built up like a Chilean Army one. And so nicely done, especially knowing that you put all your detailed knowledge in it. Beautiful! 👍
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For quite some time now, I have studied the possibility of being able to build a reproduction of this curious variant of the Leopard 1: the Driver Instruction Tank, peculiarly named in Chile as "Papamobile", because of the similarity that the instruction cabin has with the vehicle used by the Popes.
It was in August 2019 that the firm Leopard Workshop, launched the conversion kit of the Leopard 1 Instruction Cabin, to be used in different types and brands of Leopard 1 scale 1/35 tanks.
The kit comes with three possible versions to make, in terms of the support or cap of the dummy gun, which was not used by the Royal Dutch Army, therefore, neither has that version been used in the Chilean Army.
To be able to make this model, I tried to look for some model to be able to make this version, in the sense of not wasting the tank tower, so I decided to use an old Italeri model Leopard 1 A4 that was in quite bad condition, product of the passage of time and forgetfulness.
First, I started by dismantling the unneces