Yakovlev Yak-38 (WIP)
25 13 June 2020, 20:01

Thanks mates; found the cockpit poor, already ordered the Eduard Interior set! 🙂
14 June 2020, 18:04

Ooh, very cool subject! You are off to a great start, count me in. I love seeing oddball subjects like this. 🙂
22 July 2020, 13:14

Thanks Michael; it certainly is unusual, let's see how it comes out... 🙂
22 July 2020, 23:56

Cool topic indeed! 👍 Will gladly take a seat watching this little fleet fighter, truly embracing the "within visual range" aerial combat concept (If the Yak was actually carrying weapons, any combat had to happen within visual range of the Carrier/Heavy aircraft carrying cruiser😉 )
Hope you overcome the challenges of the kit - looks very promising so far & the collection of aftermarket parts should provide a shiny detail or two!
19 August 2020, 13:26

Thank you Slavo and Maciej. Indeed, @Slavo, the kit is a bit tricky (dificult assembly, vague instructions, soft engraving on the top of the fuselage, incorrect panels, etc) and only too late I discovered there is an excellent resin set for the vertical exhausts. Oh well, let's see what comes out of this...
19 August 2020, 15:55

Thanks guys; the fit of the kit is difficult to get right, many of the parts don't have positive guides; also had to discard the resin intakes because the fit was simply awful!
11 September 2020, 19:57

Moving forward with the colors, my patience with the putty has run off!
17 September 2020, 09:40

Thanks, I believe this is because HobbyBoss did not go out of the Gunze range; the Tamiya is a much better match
17 September 2020, 13:03

First decals going down; I think the blue came out too dark, will try a lighter panel lines wash
27 September 2020, 20:57

Looking very nice Ricardo. How is the kit? I have been wanting to build that one.
30 September 2020, 00:48

Thanks Clifford; the kit's fit is bad, and the texture of the plastic is very rough at points; engraving is also irregular and detail lacking on the front engines and cockpit; it is, however, the only game in town if you want to build a Yak-38 and it's becoming to look like a Yak-38, so... go for it! 🙂
30 September 2020, 09:42

I think I shall sir. You confirmed what I had heard about lack of detail, but not the fit. But that is why they call it modeling right.
30 September 2020, 15:25

Mates, need your help. I'm trying to finish the Yak-38 and I have a question regarding loadout. I would like to hang a couple of UB-16 rocket launchers on the outside pylons, and then a UPK-23 gun pod on the inside of the right wing and a UB-32M on the inside of the left wing. Would this be a probable loadout for a service Yak-38?
20 October 2020, 13:45

I've seen a picture somewhere that has that load except instead of the UB-32M there was an Aphid AAM on one of the inboard pylons.
21 October 2020, 23:04

Thanks Nathan; due to lack of solid evidence, I chose the safe path and will use the UB-16 and UB-32 on both wings; another common loadout I seriousloy considered was no weapons at all, as seen in most photos, but in the end I prefer to have something hanging.
22 October 2020, 08:09

Mates, calling this one finished, thank you for your comments during the build; the final photos are in a separate album under this project, link here: Yakovlev Yak-38 | Album by RReis (1:48)
28 October 2020, 22:43