Roden's AC-123 in 1:72 scale
24 31 July 2020, 11:25

I really like this little cargo plane and look forward to see what you make out of the kit.
1 August 2020, 07:20

A fun diorama could be a crashed plane, crashed in a swamp or something, but that would be way to advanced for me. 🙂
On my to-do list, I have ofc this, and some other kits on my table(s) that I should really finish, but I do I little here and there until I get to airbrush something, and then I guess I'lll queue it behind my other projects. Lol.
The most fun I have from building scale model kits is probably the sanding and cleaning up, and enhancing of details, or even adding them. Fixing glaring shape issues, isn't fun though. I lost all steam on my 1:72 Dora German WW2 railway cannon, when I figured, I had to do a 90% scratch build and buy a freaking lathe machine. 🙂
1 August 2020, 11:50

Not sure. I guess I can add some bare metal foil soon. I like how I can now work with the wing parts separately, without having to worry about finishing the main airframe part.
So I found out that I like doing modeling whenever I am bored and for the last year and more, I just wasn't bored enough to do modeling, which is a shame. I spent too much time on the internet and playing Squad. :|
10 March 2023, 09:52

Following! Got one in the stash. Looked like a challenging kit when I peeked in the box.
10 March 2023, 21:28

The one thing in the box that stood out to me and annoyed me a little, was the uneven panel lines. The panel lines on the wings are very nice.
The main fuselage has some wide panel line. I thought at first I would do a re-scribe of the fuselage, but I can't be bothered with it. I'll just sand the surface a little smoother, as the surface seemed a little rough.
11 March 2023, 08:56

Have you considered exchanging the horizontal support of the front undercarriage for a brass pipe? And perhaps letting it go through the bay sidewalls to make it more robust?
I have to admit it looks very fragile on your photo.
13 March 2023, 22:05

@Łukasz Gliński
Hm. I haven't. I think I will now consider adding one more styrene rod someplace without it looking funny.
The horizontal part can handle the weight, the problem is really how the horizontal part isn't center with the nose wheels, so the weight won't push right onto the "horizontal part", it clearly will make the nosewheel rotate around the horizontal part under great load.
It looks like maybet there's a hydraulic/pneumatic actuator at the front leading nowhere, I will extend this actuator with a larger rod and glue it to the green bar.
14 March 2023, 08:08

Sounds like a plan, fingers crossed.
The undercarriage topic gets tricky when it comes to bigger kits.
14 March 2023, 09:29

Looking forward to seeing how your experiment on the clear parts works out.
17 March 2023, 16:01