Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter Floatplane 1:48
28 13 September 2020, 13:28

Thanks lochsa, now I think what wash apply.. The real version is more more clean..
28 September 2020, 06:59

Now wait 24h for the gel and after I will re apply another 2 layer in order to cover a part of the float.
29 September 2020, 17:43

Bravo! I still have mine with the masking tape on, nearly finished, two years later. 🙂 I made the mistake putting nose weight into the two floaters and not behind the prop, big mistake, Very difficult holding the model in my hands with the weirdly heavy floaters. 😄
27 October 2020, 14:48

Thank you very much guys!!! @Treehugger I understund what you mean. Aircraft balance is not perfect 😄
Yes best place to put the weight is inside the rotor compartment. I would like to see your model just finished!
27 October 2020, 18:03

For now, however, I'll stop with the resin. For this dio I spent a lot of money only for resin, 3 Kg circa.
27 October 2020, 18:04

Very Nice, I have a Arado Ar 196, which I am thinking of going very similar with. What resin did you use? I used Delux Clear water and making waves when I did the water on my M1240A1 M-ATV for the water crossing, but would be expensive to do a deep water diarama.
9 January 2021, 19:35

Thanks a lot David! I use epoxy resin bi component Cristal type for the base with pigment for color. For the waves I use Medium Gloss Gel from liquitex. Yes I confirm that are very expensive.
10 January 2021, 09:41