1/72 Revell Seehund - Recovery Baltic Sea
72 8 October 2020, 15:35

Oh my... Given your sunken B-25, it's no surprise that you would pull this through with flying colours... Respects for such inspirational work!
8 October 2020, 18:22

i saw the picture.... and i knew it was your work inmediately... wow!!!!!
8 October 2020, 20:58

Oh thank you so much for your kind comments, mates! Happy to see you´re following 🙂
9 October 2020, 05:25

Tried to simulate some moisture on the surface. I used gloss varnish and various colors of the paint on the hull.
15 October 2020, 16:01

Photos are very dark. I think you ought to take new photos, or, adjust gamma curve for each photo, to brighten them in a natural looking way (super easy), and then re-upload them.
16 October 2020, 13:18

Thanks Lukasz, much appreciated! 🙂 @Treehugger indeed the pics were very dark. On my screen they looked ok, my screen settings were just too bright. Adjusted the gamma, hopefully looking better now.
16 October 2020, 16:01

Completed the recovery platform made from scratch. Going for adding some recovery accessoiries now.
1 November 2020, 16:15

In preparation for the recovery a bar was attached to the submarine using ratchet straps. Found this could be a nice detail to have. Straps were made from paper and wire.
5 November 2020, 16:44

After some paintwork the bar was ready for installation. Added some antiskid mats made from sanding paper as a nice detail.
11 November 2020, 16:59

Glued the straps today. Not sure about the figure, this one in the blue shirt looks a bit too large.
12 November 2020, 16:50

Hard to tell judging by the cover picture with actual persons in the picture, but he surely looks bulbous. Can you measure him and judge if he's somewhere between 1,70-1,90m?
1 December 2020, 21:27

Both you´re right concerning the figures mates. Still not sure about it. Will see once the detailing and base is done. Started making water from toilet paper and white glue. Still needs some gloss varnish for completion. Steel cable was made from rigging yarn and wire. The cover was fixed to the deck using wire.
3 January 2021, 16:42

Great. The idea with the dio, and also the "weathering" of the vessel
4 January 2021, 07:34

it is simply amazing. i am hoping that we have SCM in veldhoven later in the year, and i have a chance to see this marvel in person!
8 April 2021, 17:28

Thank you for your likes and Kind comments mates!
@spanjaard we applied for SMC, really hope to see you there 🙂
9 April 2021, 05:26

Thank you Villiers! @spanjaard - let´s pray this shit is over in autumn, in case we should certainly have some beers! 🙂 added some detail pics.
9 April 2021, 16:25

Just to add my own enjoyment of seeing this also - loved clicking through, really great, enjoyable 'story' being told here 👍
9 April 2021, 16:28

Thanks mates!
@spanjaard: i have to admit, that I won't be at SMC this year 🙁 Not my year concerning model shows, all dates blocked with other appointments. Better planning for 2023 is at the top of the list 🙂
25 April 2022, 15:37