ICM I-153
March 9, 2021This will be my second ICM plane. I have never done a bi-plane before, and this will be my first attempt with rigging. I am excited for this build, and i really enjoyed the last ICM kit I built. I did get the Eduards PE set, and I don't know why I did, because other than the actually instrument panel, I think I have lost just about every PE part I have tried to use.2
March 9, 20213
March 9, 2021This is not a very good photo. I am sorry.4
March 9, 2021I really like Eduards instrument panels, but the rest of the PE parts I think I lost them in my carpet or I broke them. I am not very good with PE parts.5
March 9, 2021I know that the bracing is not meant to be painted brown, but I liked the contrast against the light grey.6
March 9, 20217
March 9, 2021I spent over an hour fiddling around with the PE spark plug wires. They just would not stay in place. After I finally got them glued in, I thought to my self if it was worth all the fuss. Your not going to get to see the engine anyways.8
March 9, 2021The fit of the fuselage is very nice. I have had no fit issues at all so far. I really like ICM kits. They are simple and go together great. The plastic is softer than the Tamiya tanks kits I am use to.9
March 9, 2021Building and painting the engine of an propeller plane is by far my favorite part. I am excited to start painting this. Even though you will not be able to see it, I am still excited to make it look as real as I can.10
March 14, 2021I painted the engine Tamiya gloss black first. Then I sprayed it with Vallejo Metal Color dark aluminum. The hub in the center of the engine is painted Tamiya light grey, and the rods on each cylinder are painted Vallejo Metal Color white aluminum. The spark plugs are Tamiya flat white. I then washed the whole thing in Mig engine grime.11
March 14, 2021I am sorry that the photo is out of focus.12
March 14, 202113
March 14, 202114
March 14, 2021This kit went together very well except for the skis. I had the hardest time getting them to sit right.15
March 14, 202116
March 14, 2021I primed the whole thing in Tamiya gloss black. I am going to spray the whole thing Vallejo Metal Color white aluminum, then paint the metal parts light grey, and the cloth parts flat white. It should be very nice looking if I don't mess it up like I did the I-16 type 29 kit I did a few months ago.17
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March 14, 202119
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March 16, 2021I love spraying Vallejo Metal Color paints. This is white aluminum.21
March 16, 202122
March 16, 202123
March 16, 2021I know that most of this plane is cloth. I am going to paint it winter white and grey over this metal finish, and chip the metal parts down to this. I hope it looks as good as the idea in my head.24
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June 10, 2021This is my first time building a biplane with rigging. I struggled greatly with the rigging. I would get one side to stick, and then the other would not. It took me about a week just to get the little bit of rigging that is on this kit to stay. I finally got one end of every line glued into place, and couldn't get the other side, so my son took over and finished the rigging. He was like "is was super easy dad!" so guess who is doing the rigging on the next biplane.41
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June 10, 2021I really loved building this kit. Everything about it is cool. ICM built a great kit, and I just love looking at it. The shape is really cool, and I love the way the Russian red star looks against the dirty white wings. I think my next plane build will be another ICM, either the Gladiator, or the Fiat CR42.
2 9 March 2021, 03:57