MS-1 (T-18)
Photo 1 of 169
51 3 June 2021, 12:41

Impressive range of skills, and lost count of how many different materials!
28 August 2021, 06:19

Maybe someone asked before, but why you don't paint your little gems? Airbrush-anxiety?
10 November 2021, 12:40

No, I am not afraid but my painting skills are much more weak. Will be a shame to paint all these with low quality.
10 November 2021, 16:38

Very nice! Hey the thing about armor builds is you want the paint to be a bit beat up and patchy, so maybe you should try it!
24 December 2021, 17:28

All those scratch build details that you have been adding is pure eye candy.
25 December 2021, 03:56

Hobby Boss with my improvements? Looks more like "My Improvements with some HobbyBoss core" to me. 😉 Excellent scratch building and lovely mix of materials.
25 January 2022, 18:19

i was about to say something very similar to Michael... there is not much left of the original kit. amazing scratchbuild details
25 January 2022, 23:30

Thank you all! I am very pleased with your words and attention to my work.
26 January 2022, 07:17

Artem, your album is one not to be rushed through, but taken slowly, and enjoy every tiny detail that you have clearly put a lot of attention, care and work into. Truly inspiring for sure 🙂 Huge respect, and congratulations on your little gem 🙂 Like Olivier, I'm curious how you created the head-lamp...?
22 March 2022, 19:57

Thanks all for warm words! The head-lamp is a conversion from Elf lamps. I've made some modifications and installed two bulbs instead one. Also I made a basement.
23 March 2022, 08:32

There is not much left of the original kit😉
Exceptionally good work so far and it has been a pleasure to follow your build progress!
Still waiting for a fantastic finish😄
23 March 2022, 08:55

Hello! Fantastic! Where did you get the jack from? I have been looking for such a piece. Thanks!
3 February 2023, 21:49

Thank you! I ordered them! I also think the rivets on the kit are too small. What size did you use? Thanks again! Geoff H.
7 February 2023, 14:40
Album info
Hobby Boss with my improvements.