Mystère 20 - Mach2 - 1/72
Photo 1 of 7
11 5 June 2021, 10:28

Mes felicitations! Je l'ai aussi mais je peine pour le faire avancer, tant de fois il faut que je reprenne l'etape d'avant. Un pas en avant, deux en arriere. Mais je garde un petit espoir de le terminer sous un aspect relativement correct.
5 June 2021, 12:29

Merci Dimitri. Je crois qu'il ne faut pas essayer de faire qq chose de détaillé avec ce kit. Un aspect lisse et propre ça sera déjà pas mal. De toute façon, les parties vitrées sont très moches, donc à part les refaire, je vois pas comment on peut faire pour en faire une belle maquette. Bon courage :
5 June 2021, 14:46

A fantastic job and result for such a tough kit. The modeling world should give you a medal for performing such heroics.
Toutes nos félicitations.
5 June 2021, 20:16

Fabulous livery and incredibly well built. I have the same box of styrene rubbish 😄 Still hoping to get some FedEx masks one day 😄
5 June 2021, 20:28

I fully agree with Cuajete - maybe we should establish such an award here for finishing Mach 2 kits 😄
6 June 2021, 16:00

for such a dog of a kit as you said it is, you make really good result out of it! double congratulations
16 July 2021, 11:16
Album info
Hello, This is my Mystère 20, Mach2 - 1/72.
This kit is a packet of plastic junk... nothing fits, most of the parts are unusable, plastic is rough and it would need a lot of scratch (and associated hours...) to make a decent model. So I' choose to try to make a sort of "desk model" looking like.
I' bought this kit because I' had a discount on it and because I' thought that I' would deal with it anyway.... I'think that I' was too ambitious and this is going to be my last Mach2 kit.
This is what it looks like :