T-55A "Marina" (WIP)
35 5 July 2021, 16:04

Count me in, I am planing to do the same tank and figure. ?
Thx for your hint about the wheels. If you want the tank close to the original, you'll have to look for aftermarket decals. The heraldry from Takom is inverted.
Looking forward for your further progress
7 July 2021, 18:24

Welcome. I didn't about about errors in the decals. What is the "heraldry"?
7 July 2021, 18:37

The white red checkerboard badge. The Takom decal starts with the wrong color
7 July 2021, 19:10

I've been reading the build of Andy Moore in "The Modelling News" and apparently he assembled the wheels as per instructions and painted them... and it seems to work well! Article here, with the photos in the bottom showing the wheels with the rim: themodellingnews.com..hes-takoms-35th.html
8 July 2021, 17:37

Olá Nelson. Nestes estou a usar Slow Dry Cyanoacrylate da Ammo porque as zonas de colagem têm que ficar muito limpas (migjimenez.com/en/au..y-cyanoacrylate.html). Quando posso "sujar" um pouco mais, prefiro usar a Ultra Glue, também da Ammo, porque dá muito mais tempo e limpa-se com água (migjimenez.com/en/au..1935-ultra-glue.html).
24 July 2021, 11:20

It looks a bit more colourful than the box art. I like it. 👍
4 October 2021, 17:54

Model is finished, moving now to the base (and figure) that will make up a small scene
23 November 2021, 09:22

Thank you @Konrad, it'll be simples, just a figure and a chair with some bottles... maybe a concrete barrier... 🙂 😛
23 November 2021, 13:12

Thanks mates - also contemplating toning down the blue "Marina" letter... not sure... I like them as they are, but sometimes I look at the pics from the real tank and I'm not sure...
23 November 2021, 14:56

Thank you @James; @Konrad, I'll set it aside and decide when I integrate it in the base
23 November 2021, 20:15

Finished; separate albums with the final photos here T-55A "Marina" - no base | Album by RReis (1:35) and here T-55A "Marina" - with base | Album by RReis (1:35)
28 November 2021, 17:10
Album info
This simple build of an out-of-the-box model turned out to be a surprise because of several incorrections in the Takom kit. I later found out that most of the things in the instructions are not to be assembled, and careful study of the existing photographs of Marina is required. The wheels are also very poorly done. The decals and the paiting instructions are plainly wrong. I had to follow Miniart's kit instructions and use their decals, which I was fortunate to be able to source from a friend. Finished photos without the base can be found here: T-55A "Marina" - no base | Album by RReis (1:35); with the base, here: T-55A "Marina" - with base | Album by RReis (1:35)