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29 15 February 2022, 01:03

reddit.com/r/modelma..rabokran_suyata_148/ magnets in action
15 February 2022, 01:28

Oh, I didn't think about why the difference with the instructions for the towers. It turns out that they were different - one with a ladder, and the other without.
15 February 2022, 03:16

This thing is REALLY cool. But way above my current skill level lol
15 February 2022, 05:06

This project promises to be epic. Very nice progress this far.
15 February 2022, 06:18

It looks like from 4 decal variants 3 are SS regiments. *Sigh* I guess no decals then. Does anyone if the boxart camouflage pattern was specific only for those?
18 July 2023, 16:30

Did base colors for interior with airbrush. Next time will be details with a brush and ammo with airbrush.
3 August 2023, 21:47

Ammo racks done. Not great not terrible. Probably the guiding rings on them should be steel color, but at this point I don't care... Hard to paint them and the color guide doesn't help with this stuff at all. Did you notice that there are 3 types of ammo here or you just assumed that's another render mistake? Well, the ammo under the turret, the ammo on sides and ammo in vertical racks are different and have ammo tips with different profiles and length. At least I can tell that vertical ones are AP and should be black and side ammo is HE and should have green and steel tips.... But what exactly is the under-turret-floor-ammo I don't know. It's shorter than AP and have carving on rather middle of the tip sooo it's likely an AP shot, but it also misses the second guiding ring.... I just assumed it's also an AP, probably an earlier version.
18 August 2023, 15:07

Decals have matt coating and it doesn't look like Tamiya Mark Fit Strong works on them. Probably need to seal them later
19 August 2023, 20:42