Shelter truck meets humbulance
98 24 April 2022, 10:00

At the first picture I thought: Real. The circular tires have unmasked it as a model. 😄
Phnatastically made, even the concrete floor looks crazy good. 👍
24 April 2022, 10:57

Took my eyes a bit to adjust, I thought this was real! Stunning diorama 👍
24 April 2022, 11:16

Just as Erik said, this with sagged tires and I wouldn't be able to tell model?/real?😲
Amazing work again Neuling👌🏻👌🏻
24 April 2022, 11:37

It's simply unbelievably realistic (again)... Chapeau bas, Neuling!
24 April 2022, 14:43

Beautiful work again Neuling! They're still strapping that old shelter pod to the newer vehicles here at the local National Guard Armory. 😁
24 April 2022, 15:08

And again you fooled me at first glance, taking this for an actual picture of the real thing !
Always a joy to look at and discover all the small detalis you've added. You can get hardly more realistic in modeling than that 👍
24 April 2022, 19:13

The usual amazing quality you got us used to enjoy. A pleasure to see another beauty in your collection
I would love to see some WIP album 😉
24 April 2022, 20:52

Fantastic job and killer photography making it look like the genuine article.
24 April 2022, 20:57

This is just downright unbelievable that you always have to look twice with Neulings dioramas to realize that they are models. I am again impressed.
25 April 2022, 11:50

Stunning work. 👍
There's always some special mood to you pictures.
25 April 2022, 12:14

Great work 👌 these wheels on the M925 are not original, are they resin?
25 April 2022, 15:44

Many thanks, mates, much appreciated! - Nathan, the old shelters seem to have air condition after all ..... Spanjaard, I do not have wip pictures here. When I´m in the modelling mode I don´t like to disturb the flow wielding my camera as I´m not much of a multi tasker. And there are plenty of first class wip albums here on scalemates. - Krzysztof, you´re right, the road wheels on the shelter truck are resin from aftermarket. The wheels in the kit were of too poor quality.
26 April 2022, 16:21

You did it again, Master! Looks again like a real life photographic report!
26 April 2022, 17:43

Wow, I actually thought from the first picture it's the real truck you are showing, not the model...Superb!
29 April 2022, 08:57

You sir are a craftsman. I would not have your patience or dedication.
4 May 2022, 09:53

Spanjaard, for better or worse: I cannot rush in modelling ..... always envy the admirable "week end builder" ......
8 May 2022, 06:51

Cant' add much more positive to what is said already. Always surprising to me is how small the dio in the bird view perspective is. The other pictures give the impression of a much bigger scenery.
.. and your weathering is always spot on and not overdone 👍
8 May 2022, 10:01

Spanjaard, in the end I prefer the green, green grass of home 🙂 ..... Danke Thomas! Den Eindruck von Weite erziele ich mit horizontaler Kameraperspekive und Weitwinkelobjektiv.
10 May 2022, 09:19

Gosh! On first sight I thought it was pictures of real trucks. Very nice job 👏
24 July 2022, 06:11

Just amazing work. I love the moss/weeds coming up from the cracks in the concrete and the rusting/deformed lifting half rings on the jersey barriers. Small touches like that really sells the scene.
7 December 2022, 07:56

I too couldn't tell whether this was a walk around set of fotos or a diorama. 👏
9 December 2022, 19:34