Hs-126 in progress + completed
102 31 May 2022, 21:13

Wow. Feels so 'clean' it's almost surgical in its execution. Bravo. 👍
3 June 2022, 17:05

Thank you very much Aleši and Gary!
I have started work with camouflage colours, but there is a lot of masking to be done, so i am moving forward very slowly.....
15 June 2022, 15:29

Thank you guys!
Colors on the wing done. The fuselage will be next
28 June 2022, 21:28

hezky se s tím sereš kámo... kokotpit jako živej a křídlo vypadá v těch barvách kurevsky dobře
30 June 2022, 05:30

Thanks guys for your comments! It took a long time, but finally, camouflage colors on fuselage are done.
21 September 2022, 14:15

Thanks a lot guys! I'm moving forward a little bit. Added panel line washes, decals and matt varnish.
26 September 2022, 22:14

Beautiful work Jakub, I like the extra details added to the cockpit and the rivets. Paintjob is top notch too 👍
27 September 2022, 06:56

Superb work on the detailing and painting of this model... a real gem in the making
27 September 2022, 08:45

Are these markings for the dive angle? How exactly are they used, the pilot can't see them?
Beautiful work so far, the camo looks great 👍
27 September 2022, 10:20

Awesome build so far, great paintwork ! What brand of paint did you use ?
27 September 2022, 11:37

Thank you for your comments, gentlemen!
Erik, i'm happy, that you like the rivets, because this is my very first attempt in riveting.
Robin, i don't know how they exactly used these lines. I would say, they were used by camera operator.
Bohrman, i used AK real colors. These colors are quite dark, so i mixed them with white and very light grey.
27 September 2022, 22:37

Lovely work Jakub. Looks close to the finish line now and when it crosses it will be stunning! Thank you for documenting the process for all your fans!
28 September 2022, 17:32

Very imperssive building skills and the camo scheme looks really good. Great job!!!
11 October 2022, 11:27

Thank you, mates, for your comments! Finaly, the work is done, so i uploaded some pictures of finished model 🙂
25 October 2022, 13:59

Fantastic work on this demanding kit! I admire your perseverance!
25 October 2022, 15:19

Wow... fantastic job. I hope to do it one day half as well as you.
25 October 2022, 18:02

Thank you very much, gentlemen! I am really happy, you like it.
26 October 2022, 08:16

Magnificent! I especially like the shade of the fabric on the tailplanes.
26 October 2022, 08:54

The more I see it, more i like it. When i think it is 1/72, I almost can not believe it. Seeing the pictures it will easy to believe it is 1/48.
27 October 2022, 13:53