Scratch built Spaceship
45 1 August 2022, 21:17

i am certainly in, i have some similar project in mind, so looking forward seeing how you do it 🙂
1 August 2022, 22:05

What I find fun about these projects is I never know what it will turn out looking like. I just start and let it take me where it goes.
1 August 2022, 23:43

Loving the progress so far. Looking forward to seeing the finished model.
29 August 2022, 13:10

Nice job. Bit unexpected. I saw the title and thought it would be the one NASA tried to launch today... 🤔🤣
29 August 2022, 20:24

Sukhoi242, I considered adding antennas to the front early on in the build, but I couldn't find a good solution because I don't have the right greeblies to do it.
3 September 2022, 02:50

i would try with a piece of sprue, with some crossing. cut and drill in the extremes, and insert some pieces of thick copper. add a few tubes and small pieces of plastic, some wires, etc to make it more interesting. prime it and see how it looks, good? add to the model.
3 September 2022, 16:11

i remember a video from Adam Savage (one of the Mithbusters) were he was building something from scratch, and he was adding quite a few pieces of simply and plain plasticard. it makes the surface less even and more interesting.
great job so far, by the way.
3 September 2022, 16:13

The squirt gun that I used as a base is very different from a Star Wars styrene build and required a different technique. In Star Wars they layered styrene and added a few tank parts. Apples and oranges.
4 September 2022, 06:29

The primer then always makes it something special, the overall composition looks very interesting, I'm looking forward to more 👍
4 September 2022, 07:15

The plates were a good idea; makes the surface a little more interesting. I agree it could eventually use some antenna clusters or a communications dish, so something that says hello 😁
9 September 2022, 03:13

Well Spanjaard, I managed to squeeze in some styrene plates but there is not much space to do anything really cool. The rounded off edges of the squirt gun make things a lot more difficult than if I had made something directly out of styrene, like they did in Star Wars. But the whole point of this project is to make something out of junk and the prices for styrene have risen ridiculously.
9 September 2022, 08:27

And you are making the "junk" looking like a great kit. Well done. 👍
P.s. the plastic I used in my Zis 5 truck transformation came from a supermarket food container 😄 😉
9 September 2022, 11:30

It is looking really good. But true, the curved areas certainly make things more complicated
You could use some really thick paper as well, used paper of course, to keep the junk idea 🙂
9 September 2022, 12:17

A few days ago my partner rinsed and empty margarine container and threw it in the recycling bin. I saw it in the bin as I took it out to the curb and my imagination turned to how the white plastic could be used for detailing so I rescued it and put it on my bench. 👍
Now my partner thinks I'm a hoarder and she is convinced we are all crazy plastic addicts and thinks I should seek help. The family is now thinking of an 'modelling intervention' LOL 🤪
10 September 2022, 03:47

Needs the engine decking from a Panther for that touch of reality.
11 September 2022, 15:40

Send me a Panther engine decking and I'll make something out of it.
12 September 2022, 06:55

all the extra details make it look even better than before. with the paint job, it will be amazing. are you planning a new spaceship, or also weathering?
13 September 2022, 09:34

I think I will go for weathering because the mixed materials lend towards that working better. I am imagining it as a probe ship looking for rich gas deposits for the mother ship to later harvest. Going through various gases and temperatures would corrode the ship.
13 September 2022, 10:33

The offset radar dish and that other offset widget make it look realistic in a good way 😁
13 September 2022, 18:28

Haven't been able to work in a few days because the landlord of my studio broke my rhythm. She just gave me notice because I work long hours and after 13 years she decided that that annoys her. Her office is on the same floor. It makes no sense but sometimes people are just a**holes. Prices have risen since I've had this place and I can't afford the new inflated rent prices in my city. A new studio is out of the question. With every room occupied at home I'm not sure if I will be able to make a corner in my apartment to work. Painting will be problematic and it's clear I will have to sell most of my equipment and get rid of my storage cabinets that are too big to bring home. Really sucks.
16 September 2022, 13:24

That's really unfortunate. I feel for you and wish you to find a reasonable solution to this situation soon.
16 September 2022, 14:36

Hopefully you ingenuity will find a way, I was enjoying watching this being built.
16 September 2022, 14:40

I keep my fingers crossed that you find something, in your city not easy 🙁
16 September 2022, 14:53

I am currently setting up a new work space and still living out of boxes. Unfortunately my new space is much smaller and I am having a hard time figuring out what to do with everything, but I will make it work somehow. I hope to start up again after Christmas. I have 7 half built models waiting for my attention.
16 December 2022, 20:32
Album info
made from junk