Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly - "Persil bleibt Persil"
47 10 August 2022, 10:04

As summer comes to an end glueing activities are increasing (slowly)....but some fire on the dragenonfly project.
10 August 2022, 10:07

It is. Cabine & fuselage is/was quite ok, but the rotorhead ....oh dear - no idea what they thought how these things shall come together. Also a miracle: the installation of the pilots overhead windows.
Unfortunatly I love those excotic kits and have to deal with it. 🙂
10 August 2022, 17:57

This is starting to bother me. I have the same one with the warehouse. I follow with interest!
30 August 2022, 11:01

Welcome Robert & S M.
Jivko: don't let it get you down...but Yes: start it only when you are in a good and balanced mood 😉
30 August 2022, 12:24

Welcome aboard and thx for your comments Robin, Michael, Lukasz & Skywalker. I am ready to go for the decals...
5 September 2022, 05:12

As all decals are on now I have to conclude the build with the last pits & pieces...finishing line getting closer!
9 September 2022, 18:56

So finishing line was pulled slighley to the right. I messed it up today while preparimg the final photoshoot.
10 September 2022, 17:01

Oh my. I feel for you. I would need a break and take a deep breath. Otherwise I would be too impatient and would mess it up.
10 September 2022, 18:55

Thanks Michael - Recovery was started yesterday evening. An yes, you were right: a break was needed, a couple of deep breath too - but I needed to restore timley, otherwise the potential that I put it back to stash due to frustration would be high.
It turn out ok finally - pic's following soon.
11 September 2022, 15:51

Hallo Oliver - ungeschickt gewesen. Musste die Bilder im Freien machen - wie schon öfter. Hatte aber das launische Wetter nicht berücksichtigt - ein Windstoß hat doch tatsächlich das Blatt samt Heli in die Höhe gerissen und somit vom Tisch geweht. OMG.
Aber - gestern recovered und heute fotografiert,...alles wieder gut 🙂
12 September 2022, 16:13

S-51 Dragonfly - "DONE"
Hope you like the model & related pic's - cheers.
12 September 2022, 16:14

Tolle Lackierung, sieht man nicht oft!
Ich kann nur sagen- I LIKE IT !
12 September 2022, 19:22

Very nice to see this one complete and completed. You did a top job on a demanding base. Congrats.
Special subject. I like it too.
12 September 2022, 22:37

Fabulous, not too many civilian choppers appear here nowadays. I like the white shading in particular, definitely something to follow 👍
13 September 2022, 08:05

Thank you all for your likes and nice comments ! I am really happy you like this build.
That's quite motivating. 🙂
14 September 2022, 16:50