In the last six months I could have achieved great things. I did this instead.

That's quite an achievement, Gorby! I would never finish such dio in only six months... Fantastic work!

Thanks for the nice comments (and the likes) mates. Glad you like it. 🙂

Thanks for the "amount of pics"! They are needed to see the full amount of interesting details of this excellent diorama off the beaten track.

This is brilliant job mate 👍 Really great to see another of your builds.
On the other hand I feel bit odd to see ze lazy Germans 😄 I'd say such poses would better fit a Soviet, Polish or any other Warsaw Pact army 😄 (perhaps with ze notable East German exception) 😉

Thanks very much Lukasz!
Personally I think humans are the same - always happy to stand around with their hands in their pockets if the opportunity arises...just that the Germans seem to be able to hide the urge better. 😉

That's one ambitious build! I love the damage Thor has done to that sod, nice and deep. Thanks for the pics and the prose, always entertaining and joy to read.
And one more thing: deadlines are for chums, not for properly retired, now full-time modelers 😋

Thanks you very much Pietro & Alec. 🙂
Oooooh wouldn't it be nice to be modelling full time. It's all go here in Gorbyland, dogs to walk and naps to take. I don't know how I manage to fit it all in. 😉
Incidentally Alec, my next project is one of my scratch-build oddities.

Oh yes! I am looking forward to that as well. Be sure to leave a nudge in this thread please.

I've made a note to let you know Alec. 👍
Doesn't seem fair on others to stick this at the top of the newsfeed again unnecessarily.

Thanks Mick.
Your comment has reminded me that I wanted to add some black and photos to the album. 🙂
Sorry Oliver I missed your comment. Quite right, I did enjoy this project (a damn sight more than any DIY task I've had to do - but needs must.) 😉

B/W shoots look just fantastic, one more proof that it is a great dio my friend

Thanks very much Spanjaard. I enjoyed having a little play around with the photos. 👍

Achieved Great Things?! This is your Dr's note.
Please excuse Gorby from other achievements due to complications brought on by a fantastic build.
Dr. G. Time, Plastitrician
Seriously. Nice job👏

Wow, lots of quality time and effort has gone into this lovely dio. Well done

😄 😄 😄
That made me laugh Jonathon. I suppose the title is factually inaccurate as I wouldn't know where to start trying to achieve great things. I'll stick to mangling plastic instead. 😉
Thanks for your comments Jonathon and Mr James. 👍

Thanks very much Chris & David. 🙂
Mangling the plastic is the easy bit, it's the colouring in afterwards I struggle with, but apparently it isn't the done thing to leave them in 50 shades of there's an Idea for a dio. 😉

Woah ! Gorby you are true master ! Just fantastic ! Very creative photo shooting here.

Looks great but railway modelling is another genre. Not only does it have to look good but it has to work as well.

John, did you used PS or LR mask to apply the backdrop hill scenery? looks very convincing.

Thanks Anthony. I used GIMP as I use Linux on my PC and Photoshop doesn't like Linux (neither does my wallet 🙂 )
Incidentally it's Mark not John. 👍

No problem Anthony. Always good to try new techniques - keeps your brain ticking over. 🙂
Album info
This retirement business isn't all about sitting around modelling and listening to music you know.
Ooooh! Apparently it is. (Hate mail to the usual address.) 🙂
I built this as part of a group build on another site. Mind you, I think I heard the deadline zoom past a few months back. You know how it is, “Yes, I can definitely do that in three months”….and more bits keep getting added. At the end of the second month I confidently predicted each month that I'd got about one more months work to do. It took me six months, spread over most of this year and I'm just pleased the bloody thing is done. Now I can get on and do something less pointless….obviously that's never going to happen is it. Fortunately only 1/72 scale dust has settled on it in that time and rather than go to the effort of dusting it, I'm calling it weathering.
I would have loved to make the base wider, but I have history with making dio's too big to fit into my storage cupboard and I was determined that this will be an exception. Stop making big dio's you plonker!
I tend to prefer non-action dioramas. Perhaps it's something to do with being a non-action person. Given half a chance, men will stand around with their hands in their pockets hoping that no one will give them any work to do. I know the feeling well. 🙂
As his advice was a great help in painting the figures, I'm dedicating this build to my departed friend Paul/Phoenix54.
Sorry about the amount of pics, I got a bit carried away.
You might be able to scrape a couple of laughs from the build report, but there's a vast ocean of unamusing stuff to wade though to find them. Probably best for you mental health if you just walk away...