Space 1999: Eagle (WIP)
43 21 January 2023, 16:30

Thank you Ben, that's quite a compliment! 🙂 I love Space 1999 too! 😄
31 January 2023, 23:40

Yes, I did not like the figures: they were too high (to show up on the windows) and they were too ugly! 😄
1 February 2023, 20:13

On social media, seen several "build" blogs. This is the first with detailed pictures. Hard to picture what are the assembly challenges from just text. Keep up the good work.
9 March 2023, 09:58

Thank you mates, for your encouraging words; @Madison, I would say main problem is the rough moulding: all the pieces take forever to clean up, because of the central seams; very visible on circular trusses; fit is not great, but not so visible
9 March 2023, 21:50

Ricardo just had a look at the new photos, you added. Can't wait to see the final. Your work on this is looking great.
11 March 2023, 23:15

Thank you @Simon, indeed, for me as well - seeing it come together generates a very satisfying feeling of recognition and nostalgy
21 March 2023, 12:12

Wow Space 1999 Eagle takes me way back to being a kid. This is great work btw 👍
22 March 2023, 11:31

Thank you Andy - yes me too; and then again, so does modelling! 🙂
22 March 2023, 13:46
Album info
WIP album; final photos here: Space 1999: Eagle | Album by RReis (1:48)