相册 (9)最新的项目相册67 图片T-40 Nexter 40 CTAS1:35Gotta glue it all down, get the clouds right, fix that ? antenna that keeps breaking. It’s like having an injury, if you...项目: March Madness Group Build0 图片T-40 Nexter 40 CTAS TurretThis album does not contain any images.1:35项目: March Madness Group Build138 图片Down and dirty1:25Up top view.项目: Down and dirty4+其他相册167 图片Trucks out in the wild Dutchess County NY.Thought this might be a trailer to scratch build.20 图片Revell 1/24 Beetle21 图片DML T72M222 图片Burnt out 1/32nd Airfix7 图片Trumpeter LAV 2545 图片Moebius Ford F-100