相册 (9)
7 图片
Scratch-Built Dutch Canal House (Harlingen)
One of those progress milestones where things start coming together. I used a bit of spackle for the mortar, then went o...
6 图片
M38A1 (Ranch Truck)
Still a bit of weathering to do and some dirt & dust effects to tie it into a simple vignette base, but this one’s compl...
项目: M38A1
1 图片
British SAS Jeep North Africa
The first and only photo before I had to put this project on hold.
项目: Desert Rats
17 图片
Willys Jeep MB Build Progress
First pass at earth effects applied to the wheels and undercarriage. Next up is post-shading the dirt, dust and addition...
项目: Willys Jeep
18 图片
MH-60T Jayhawk Build Progress
Still some subtle work to do on the pilots but the cockpit and cabin are coming together.