相册 (7)所有相册22 图片USS Vincennes CG-49 7001:700项目: USS Vincennes CG-4913 图片Italeri UH-60 1/721:72项目: UH-60L Black Hawk 20 图片1143 TAKR/CVHG-0751:700finally,almost 300 homemade 3d printed parts,but still to lazy to modify those cat walks and liferafts项目: USSR Kiev aircraft carrier11 图片Sovremenny 700 404 the ship Not Found1:700项目: 956 Sovremenny 8 图片Horizon class Destroyer FS Forbin D6201:700项目: FS Forbin D62019 图片BB-39 1/700 HB1:700I didn't weathering it yet actually项目: USS Arizona BB-394 图片CH-46 1/721:72try upload more photos some other time项目: CH-46 Sea Knight Navy and Marine