相册 (42)
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39 图片
Me-262 in-flight and on the ground
stoped....3 years! now, decals and panel wash are done. I may give it a other layer of clear to seal the wash
项目: flying circus
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spitfire in-flight and on the ground
with the new metal stripe added above the exhausts
项目: flying circus
8 图片
pak 35/36
quite some work to get to this point, but i think the improvement compared with the original plastic parts is clear. and...
项目: 3.7 cm PaK 35/36
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Nissan Skyline GT-R
Not yet finished, but going in the right direction, I hope. more interesting than pic 33, that is for sure
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F-14 Tomcat & F-4 Phantom 1/800 (1990's)
Tomcat over 2 cents, Phantom over one cent. both under 25mm lenght
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Early Builds or Hall of Shame - 1980's and 1990's
my earliest dio died ages ago, those two were the next attempts. vietnam one has its own album https://www.scalemates.co...
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Scale Model Challenge 2019
difficult to choose a picture to start the albumb... but this dio (as modeller and also as diver) really captivated me. ...
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Scale Model Challenge 2018
german gamblers stand, 1/144 phantom... after getting all details about it... i am trying to get one myself