相册 (6)最新的项目相册8 图片BSG Build (1 of 2 planned). 1:4105Primed and ready项目: Battlestar Galactica4 图片A few shots1:4105项目: BSG Build: 2-of-215 图片The Evolution1:4105项目: BSG Build: 1-of-27 图片Viper Mk.II ( scale)1:32项目: Revell Colonial Viper Mk.II13 图片Cylon Centurion Progress1:6A little more work, some highlighting. 项目: Revell Cylon Centurion 1:67 图片U.S.S. Voyager build1:677I underestimated the size of this thing...that's a Revell Battlestar Galactica 1:4105...项目: Revell U.S.S. Voyager