相册 (6)最新的项目相册11 图片MH-53J WAlkaround1:48项目: MH-53J23 图片MIG-191:48With ALC 312-60 semi matte clear cote项目: MIG-1937 图片Sanger B-52 First preparations1:48Marking the contours with a black marker项目: B-521 图片Red Devils project1:48Mixing identical sprues of 3 boxes to have them together项目: Belgium Red Devils24 图片Sanger B-52 kit original kit as received from Sanger1:48项目: B-52其他相册2 图片Bits and piecesLamp repair: Aluminium part with 3 holes drilled in it: dimensions 4*2*1 cm. The disadvantage is that the momentum creat...