相册 (10)最新的项目相册56 图片Porsche 356 B/C1:24On display at my dad's house.项目: Porsche 356 B/C11 图片Valentine Mk III1:35项目: Valentine Mk III Dragon4 图片F/A-18A Hornet1:48项目: F/A-18A Hornet2+52 图片E-2C Bug's Build1:72项目: E-2C Bug's build13 图片OV-10 Bronco - CalFire1:72Warts and all.项目: OV-10 Bronco44 图片FelixStowe F.2A1:72Done.项目: Felixstowe F.2A24 图片Vought Kingfisher 1/721:72项目: Vought KingfisherShow all project albums 浏览项目 其他相册34 图片H8K-2 Emily 1/72A close-up of the nose. Not a contest entry but what a ride!8 图片Forty years on a shelf and some recent progress.Smug for no reason. Was just learning the power of this site and when expanding into 3rd party bits, didn't quite figur...