相册 (20)所有相册30 图片Победа . потом домой. Flyhawk 1/82 T34/85 1:72项目: T34/85 flyhawk15 图片jagdpanzer 38 1/721:72项目: jagdpanzer 38(t)4 图片1/72 T-80bv in progress1:72after pinwash项目: T-80bv4 图片PLAN type 055 destroyer 1/7001:700the water looks ok and I think it's time to paint the ship.项目: PLAN destryer type 05512 图片Very quick dual build for selling1:72项目: M-ATV33 图片MIG-31B, a hard trial (^o^;1:72项目: MIG-31B, fxohound.22 图片Someday at France, M4A1 Sherman tank ^_^"1:72项目: Sherman M4A1, someday at France.10 图片5-day build for an order (TUSK II 1/72)1:72项目: M1A2 TUSK II.19 图片Another phantom for the group build of stalemates1:72项目: Another phantom for 2022 group build.8 图片In progress: F-100D, another dual build ?1:72Updated progress. Many of the decals are damaged…项目: F-100D super sabre18 图片F-18F, Jolly Rogers.1:72A little too dirty… but anyways…项目: F-18F, Jolly Rogers.15 图片1/72 Pz. kpfw. V Panther Ausf. G a dual build with Simon Nagorsnik. 1:72项目: 1/72 Panther GScratchbuilt27 图片1/72 mig-29c, Russian air force.1:72项目: 1/72, mig-29C, trumpeter.15 图片Strike eagle F-15E 1/721:72Just made her an airfield ?项目: F-15E strike eagle47 图片1/72 super hornet F-18F1:72项目: F/A-18F Super Hornet13 图片Focke-wulf 190 D9 Tamiya 61041 (1995 tool)1:48项目: FW 190D97 图片My first rookie trial.… For a diorama1:48项目: Stug III 1/48, built in 2020其他相册2 图片Quick cast21 图片Small things & quick buildsBuilt this for an order again… ? Just please no more hornets0 图片Another naval phantom for the year's group buildThis album does not contain any images.