Dibble's Hobbies
- 名字:
- Dibble's Hobbies
- 城市:
- San Antonio
- 类型:
- Hobbyshop (RC/Trains/Plastic) (Retail)
- 关于:
- Old fashioned Mon & Pop style Hobby Shop, with a knowledgeable, service-oriented, staff standing by to help with your favorite hobby. Aircraft, Armor, Ships, Space Craft, Cars, Display Figures, Board Games, Miniatures, Historical and Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supplies, Tools, paints, adhesives.
- 公司网站:
- www.dibbleshobbies.com/
- 城市:
- 78228 San Antonio
- 街:
- 1029 Donaldson Ave
- 地图:
- Open on:
- Tues - Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm
- Closed on:
- Mondays and Sundays
The available color ranges in this shop are not yet known
You can find products from following scale modeling companies in the shop:
The product range of this shop is not known
3 mates are shopping regularly at Dibble's Hobbies in San Antonio.