sIG 33
- 名字:
- sIG 33
- 类别:
- 枪支 » 榴弹炮
- 使用自:
- 1933–1945
- 使用者:
- 生产厂家:
Rheinmetall AG
- 也称为:
- 15 cm sIG 33

15cm sIG 33 (motorised transport) heavy infantry support gun First to Fight 1:72
PL1939-102 2023 新零件 制品

15cm sIG 33 (motorised transport) heavy infantry support gun First to Fight 1:72
PL1939-102 2023 新零件 
SIG 150mm
Wespe Models 1:48
WES 48017 
SIG 33 German 15cm Infantry Gun WWII
Verlinden Productions 1:15
1084 书籍
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sIG 33 15cm schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33
WTS Koblenz, Germany
WTS Koblenz, Germany
以 stugiii 于 IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
图片: 33 2014
sIG 33 15cm schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33
Museum of Artillery of Engineering Troops and Communications, St. Petersburg, Russia
Museum of Artillery of Engineering Troops and Communications, St. Petersburg, Russia
以 Dmitry Derevyankin 于 DishModels
图片: 79 2021