Heavy cruiser Pensacola-class
- 名字:
- Heavy cruiser Pensacola-class
- 类别:
- 船舶 » 巡洋舰
- 使用自:
- 1929–1947
- 使用者:
- 生产厂家:
Brooklyn Navy Yard|New York Shipbuilding

Schwerer Kreuzer "Salt Lake City" World War II-Series--1944-- HP-Models 1:700
WW II-WL-US-016 199x 新模具 制品

USS Pensacola CA-24 and USS Salt Lake City CA-25 Turrets
Model Monkey 1:192
192-CA24 turrets-4 2024 新模具 
USN Mk 9 8in/55 cal. Barrels Saratoga, Indianapolis, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Northampton, etc.
B&D Barrels 1:350
BDB35005 200x 新模具 多主题 (6)
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS Salt Lake City CA-25Model Monkey 1:350
np-CA25-2 2019 新模具 
Turret Base Rings for USS Pensacola CA-24 and USS Salt Lake City CA-25
Model Monkey 1:350
350-CA24 base rings 2017 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS Salt Lake City CA-25Model Monkey 1:700
np-CA25-1 2019 新模具 
Vents for USS Pensacola CA-24 and USS Salt Lake City CA-25
Model Monkey 1:700
700-CA24 Vents 
Schwerer Kreuzer "Salt Lake City" World War II-Series--1944-- HP-Models 1:700
WW II-WL-US-016 199x 新模具 书籍