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Advertise via SCM Market Place

Display an attractive teaser with an up to date price, logo and direct link to the matching product in your shop. We have 550.000+ products in our database, a starting point for many modelers before buying a kit. To see it in action look here SCM Market Place example. Members can setup a personal wishlist, your line items will be proposed whenever they look at their wishlist. See it here.

A sample view of 1 of our 550.000 product pages showing price info from 30+ different online hobby shops across the globe.


Pricing is based on measurable benefits for your shop.

Examples: Cost per click


The scalemates marketplace offers some important benefits over other marketing campaigns:

Typical website
Високи проценти на конверсия
Highly targeted audience
Без поддръжка
Effortless marketing
Информация за цените на живо
Updated every hour *
Информация за акции на живо
Updated every hour *
Гео насочване
Currency conversions + display order
Гео блокиране
Limit display to certain countries
Подробен репортинг
Stats per products, Geo, Date
Интелигентно ценообразуване
CPC based on product price (capped)
Многократна защита от щракване
Repeated clicks are invalidated
Кръстосано устройство
Used by 25+ shops since 2013
Платете предварително
* configurable: every 15 mins up to every 24 hours

How it works

1) Product data feed (Done by you)

We need from you a simple CSV file (comma seperated value) with the list of available products in your shop. This CSV file must be downloadable via a (safe) URL hosted on YOUR domain.
Next to CSV we can also work with XML files (most formats accepted like Google Merchant API, Amazon, Ebay, ...).

For every product (or a subset of your products) you need to provide the following information in the CSV file

If you sell the Revell's kit 04651 in scale 1:72 for EUR 19.99, a line in the CSV file looks like:
"012345678","NH-90 NFH Marine","Revell","04651","1:72","http://www.yourshop.com/product.....","19.99"

Additionally you can include as well the following information:

The datafeed will be accessed every 2 hours to synchronise the latest pricing information, add the latest items in your shop as well as remove obsolete products.

2) Data Matching (Done by Scalemates)

Based on data downloaded via the CSV file (see previous step) we will match your products with our massive database and display your offering on all matched products.

Matching is a smart process handled by the scalemates engine. It takes into account that shops have often different product numbers stored internally. This is NOT an issue for us.

Revell's kit 04651 might be listed as REV04651, Rog04651, RV-04651, ROG4651... and many more variatons.

3) Follow up your campaigns (Done by you)

You will receive a personal login giving you access to a secure reporting section. A wide variety of reports is available to follow up your campaigns. (CTR, CPC, CPM, monthly overviews, invalidated clicks,...)

Dashboard view with the last clicks, in this case you see one invalidated double click

A list showing most popular products by clicks for your shop. (same list is available across scalemates)

Ensuring fair use

What we do

We strive to only charge for valid clicks and have various limits put in place. Hence, we have a sophisticated and always evolving fraud detection system in place to detect duplicate or invalid clicks. These clicks will off course not be charged. We protect you against:

When logged in to scalemates you will see reports showing valid activity as well as invalid activity. Some invalid activity is detected in real time, other only after a few hours or even up to 7 days. (It is thus perfectly possible that the amount of charged clicks drops from one day to the other).

In case of doubt we have a "no charge" policy on the set of clicks being contested. (but do not abuse our trust)

What you should do

This is easy, you decide in your datafeed the set of products which should be advertised on scalemates. If you decide to include products you do not have in stock you will be charged for clicks which are less likely to convert into a sale.

You are obliged to send the correct prices via the datafeed. Deliberatly decreasing the price on scalemates (to attract traffic and thus being charged less) is NOT allowed. You can and should trigger the resynchronisation manually (via link on scalemates) if important price changes are done.

You have 24/7 live access to a powerful reporting engine, use it to follow up your campaigns! Once the invoice is created (7th of every month, for the previous period) all clicks are finalised and billed!

Pay your invoices on time! is an international environment, it does not matter if in your specific region it is normal that invoices are paid past due date and reminders have to be sent. On scalemates invoices always have to be paid before the due date. Thank you in advance.







April 2023

Месечни показвания на страницата

Посещения за месец

Средна продължителност на посещението
3m 12s

Уникални посетители на месец

Рейтинг на трафика на Alexa

Best ranked scale modeling website globally

(*approximate, we don't track unique users for privacy reasons)

Contact us

If your products are interesting to the audience of scalemates.com and wish to explore advertising opportunities, please reach out to us:

Reach out » Create Advertiser Account

Thank you, looking forward to be part of your next successful advertising campaign
Tim Vereecke