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Всички коментари (15) » 23 24 February, 19:18

Painting process done: 4tones camouflage maskedamd airbrushed. It's shaded before pinwash. Now comes the varnish and I can start with the weathering. Meanwhile I also started tó Paint the base.
17 March, 14:39

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15 снимки
USAirfix 1/72 A-7A Corsair II
Проект: USAirfix 1/72 A-7A Corsair II
Всички коментари (6) » 13 16 March, 05:29

Yes Thomas I bought a 2nd kit to vacuform a new upper wing. I wanted the challenge and felt it was a relatively easy fix.
17 March, 13:53

Alberto, this one isn't a bad kit it's just lacking detail especially in the cockpit. The fuselage fit is spotty and the 500lb. bombs did not want to fit properly. I'll have to take some time to do them slowly and only a few each session. The Hasegawa decals worked very well. I trimmed some of the clear film from the edges on a few but otherwise they behaved. I used Solvaset to lay them down.
17 March, 14:38

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12 снимки
Sikorsky H-19, MLD, #076 „Salome“
Cockpit completed.The seats in the cabin are slightly different from the MLD machines. There is no PE - set by Eduard fo...
Всички коментари (10) » 16 10 March, 05:19

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Всички коментари (26) » 74 10 October 2024, 15:41

How could I miss this one ... Amazing result. Turned out really nicely 👌
21 November 2024, 07:25

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87 снимки
SAAB Viggen - "Thor's Hammers" - Special Hobby - Quadruple Build
It's time to cover up everything again, this time except the surfaces to be painted black. Unfortunately I had to buy a ...
Всички коментари (61) » 73 15 January, 18:11

Actually, the best method is to have two mask sets. I find that it is very difficult to do it all with just one mask set, as the masks will be slightly stretched and distorted when removed and reapplied and will no longer fit perfectly.
1. Spray the model light green.
2. Place all the masks from the first mask set.
3. Remove all masks segments except the light green ones and throw them away.
4. Spray the model dark green.
5. Add the dark green masks from the second mask set.
6. Spray the model black.
7. Add the black masks from the second mask set.
8. Spray the remaining exposed areas tan.
Also, when spraying a color, do not mask areas that you will be painting with a different color later, or you will end up with tiny strips of areas where the previous color shines through.
17 March, 11:41

Maybe to add that such a camo be best postshaded or oil rendered as the various colors have different amounts of paint layers and so preshading gives an inconsistent result.
17 March, 14:12

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Всички коментари (5) » 8 15 February, 17:54

Спасибо. Сам по себе наборчик хреновый может поэтому и самый дешёвый .Если из него делать рабочий самолёт то может ещё больше пилить надо.
17 March, 13:56

hi all i was just wandering if i could get some help i was left alot of old airfix and revell and loads of other models unused still boxed up aircraft models as idont know alot about them was hoping i could get some help.
17 March, 13:10

Your best plan is to go through the collection one by one, checking that each is complete, locate the kit on this site and build up a kit stash on here. It isn't difficult and there are instructions on how to do this. You can mark individual items for sale if you like, or you could just put them on eBay.
There are also retailers like Kingkit who will buy second hand kit collections.
17 March, 13:53

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18 снимки
Miles M.9 Master Mk. I
"A grand day for training". Final shots of the Dora Wings Miles M.9 Master Mk. I. Nice kit, took quite a few short cuts!
Проект: Miles M.9 Master Mk. I
13 15 March, 02:16

Thanks Alberto. It's a bit of a strange duck, going for the most striking paint scheme😉
16 March, 04:24

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This album no longer exists
26 снимки
mig-17 JIAN-5This album does not contain any images.
Проект: mig-17 JIAN-5
17 March, 13:25

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14 30 August 2024, 14:27

I can call this finished. Another beautiful kit from Tamiya. Just added HGW seat belts and DN Models paint masking for the tail's rising sun and some of the markings.
F-4 pilots from Plusmodel.
17 March, 13:02

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Всички коментари (37) » 56 15 December 2024, 17:39

@Arnold thanks! this particular kit is very very good, worth the price. Only has a bit of challenges when fitting the canopy, but if you take your time and patience there, it all works very well.
@Rui many thanks!
17 March, 13:06

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6 снимки
USS New Jersey (Revell 1:1200)
The front/ rear masts and flagpole are added with brass tubes. Considering the quality and resolution of this kit, I thi...
Проект: USS New Jersey
2 15 March, 08:09

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5 снимки
Panzer IV with Diorama
Stopped here because I had to order enamel thinner—didn’t want to stain my whole tank.
Проект: Panzer IV with Diorama
17 March, 12:39

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87 снимки
The most demanding build I have ever done!
After painting I added fabric belts from HGW Models.
This part is only plugged in and can be removed ea
Проект: McDonnell XF-85 Goblin
Всички коментари (120) » 86 20 February, 21:14

PHOTO ETCH. Ever since I restarted model building, I've been seeing references to PE parts... and I've been puzzling about that. To me, PE stands for polyethylene, but that cannot be adhered with solvent cement, so my brow has just remained wrinkled. Finally today, seeing build, reading your notes, I realize that PE has all along almost certainly been a reference to brass / copper photo-etched parts.
Thank you for that. 😎
I think your build is beyond both my skill level and my patience level. Probably my budget as well. 😎
1 14 March, 23:40

Exactly Tim, I have used PE for Photo Etch as many others here. I guess I picked up the abbreviation from other native speakers here 🙂 The model world seems to have its own language as many other technical areas too. Another example is CA, the super glue using Cyanoacrylate, which is needed for PE parts, or acrylic glue.
And thank you for your kind words about this build 👍 I have to admit that a few years ago, with less experience, I would also have been unable to cope with this model.
17 March, 12:39

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39 снимки
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')
Bottom surfaces that will be light blue-grey are somewhat roughly pre-shaded with black. There is no point shading the r...
Проект: Saab J 35F 'Draken' - Hasegawa
Всички коментари (26) » 33 12 March, 17:23

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1 снимки
Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A
The construction is finished.
Проект: Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A
1 16 March, 20:29

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47 снимки
USS Taylor DD-468
Got the hull markings on. Spent 4 days hanging in the window to de-yellow them. Worked fairly well. Also put on the p...
9 5 February, 03:49

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18 снимки
F-16I "Sufa" - Israeli Air Force
Проект: F-16I "Sufa" - Israeli Air Force
12 16 November 2024, 15:42