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U.S. Armoured Command Post Car M577

Tamiya | No 35071 | 1:35

Boxart M577 35071 Tamiya


8 снимки
M577View album, image #1
Проект: M577
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)
99 снимки
M1068A3 Command Post Tracked VehicleView album, image #1
Awarded a Gold at the 2023 AMPS International Convention at Camp Hill, PA in May 2023
Проект: M1068A3 SICPS
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)1:35 M1068A3 Conversion set (Legend Productions LF1411)1:35 Command Post Car M577 (Tamiya MM171)
15 снимки
M577 in Bundeswehr ServiceView album, image #1
Проект: German M577
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)
5 снимки
M-577 Carro ComandoView album, image #1
Проект: M-577 Carro Comando
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)
2 снимки
Canadian ADATSView album, image #1
Legends ADATS side wall - right. Looks like it's too short by about 2 mm!:-( Good thing I didn't cut the lower hull bef...
Проект: Canadian ADATS th
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)1:35 ADATS Conversion Set for M113 Series (Legend Productions LF1286)1:35 M113A1G NATO Track & Drive Sprocket (AFV Club AF35S10)
1 снимки
BRD BW - Gefechtsstandspanzer M 577 earlyView album, image #1
1:35 M577 (Tamiya 35071)1:35 M113A1G NATO Track & Drive Sprocket (AFV Club AF35S10)1:35 Interior Set (Terre Modeles TM-009)1+