Тема започната от El Jevi

Why is FJ topic split in four??
30 May 2014, 15:58

Because FJ-1 and FJ-4 cannot be from the same mold. Similar to McDD F/A-18A versus Boeing F/A-18E.
15 June 2014, 15:01

Yeah there are too many differences in the FJ-1 to 4 to be covered under same mold.
15 June 2014, 16:23

The same can be said about:
- Bf 109A and Bf 109K
- Spitfire Mk.I and 24 (not to mention Seafire FR.47!)
- F9F Panther and F9F-8 Cougar
- MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21bis
Moreover, the differences between FJ-2 and FJ-3 are as much as between F-4B and F-4G or Mirage IIIC and IIIE.
15 June 2014, 18:45

Yes, the same can be said. however if the aim is just to simplify families.. then yes they could all be "N.A Fury"
15 June 2014, 18:50

The issue is that he FJ-2/-3 belong to the F-86 family while the FJ-1 and the FJ-4 do not and otherwise have nothing in common either. Unlike the Bf109, the MiG-21 and the F9F, these four are no family at all.
15 June 2014, 19:31

Do you really think a Bf 109B had something in common with a Bf 109K other than name and some external resemblance? The same is for the MiG-21 or the F9F
16 June 2014, 11:00

From a design perspective they are a family. The FJ's clearly are not.
16 June 2014, 11:42

I know that this is years later, but, "FJ-2/-3 belong to the F-86 family " is very much not the case. Only the three FJ-2 prototypes are F-86s. After those three aircraft, the FJ-2 doesn't even have the same fuselage shape or wings,,,,,,and the FJ-3 has another different fuselage, and another set of wings, compared to the FJ-2.
22 March 2017, 17:26