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Patryk S.
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27 снимки
Bell XP-77View album, image #27
The fight continues. Corrected the rudder and reshaped the nose a bit to more resemble the original - unfotunately the c...
Проект: Bell XP-77
1:72 Bell XP-77 (Special Hobby SH72012)1:72 P-39 Airacobra Stencils (Foxbot 72-031)1:72 3D Surface Panels decal (Eduard ER72004)
38 10 February 2022, 20:20
Patryk S. Автор
As I travel often between Germany and Poland and did move my workshop to DEU I decided to duplicate it in Poland as to not loose time without my hobby. This is my first pararel project in the workbench in Poland. Another short run.
 10 February 2022, 20:31
Unusual model... Following!
Lucky to have duplicated your workshop 🙂 👍
 10 February 2022, 20:46
Guy Rump
Watching 👍
 10 February 2022, 20:52
Patryk S. Автор
Cleaned up the wing today and deepened the first wheel well. Did use pattex sos glue to fill the edges. I can not reccomend this glue enough - it works far better than any filler and is easy to sand. I use it also as glue where possible as it gives a strong join.
 11 February 2022, 19:53
Patryk S. Автор
@Cuajete and Guy: welcome! I bought jut the tools needed to do simple kits so I do not waste my time on not modeling 🙂
 11 February 2022, 19:59
Patryk S. Автор
Deepend the second wheel well and removed the injection stubs. The plastic is very hard to sand but very easy prone to overscraping wit a scalpel blade. This is going to be a greater challenge than the hawk.
 13 February 2022, 18:54
Good job so far 👍
 13 February 2022, 19:28
Villiers de Vos
This little gem will need a lot of TLC. I looking forward to following your progress.
 14 February 2022, 01:35
Robert Podkoński
Watching with interest for sure! (just a word of warning here, Patryk - I remeber from one review of this kit that the vacu canopy is too small - have you checked it already?)
 22 February 2022, 20:44
Daniel Klink
You're a brave man Patryk 🙂
 22 February 2022, 20:45
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you for joining Robert and Daniel! @Robert: I did a search for builds of this kit - there is a problem with canopy fit but nothing not to overcome. I did actualy stumble on an open canopy picture of the XP-77 during the search - the canopy didn't slide back but went rotating downwards flush into the fuselage so only the front frame is visible after opening. If I will have to much problems with fit I might replicate it in the open position.
 23 February 2022, 12:55
Well this is interesting good luck on this one!!!
 23 February 2022, 13:34
Robert Podkoński
Open canopy surely would add more interest to this fascinating plane, Patryk 😉
 23 February 2022, 13:38
Patryk S. Автор
Managed to cut of and sand the resin from the castings block, unfortunately breaking the rear cockpit wall in the proces. Glued it and the control stick to the tub with pattex sos glue. Additionaly i managed to prime the resin parts.
Thank you for joining and the comments Mates!
 6 March 2022, 16:41
Patryk S. Автор
Dry fitted the resin inserts - they fit very good to the fuselage halves - no sidewall trimming needed. After that I primed the back portion of the seat and the insides of the fuselage.
 13 March 2022, 17:40
Łukasz Gliński
Missed this one so far. Thx for the glue tip 👍
 15 March 2022, 21:41
Following also mate 👍👀
 15 March 2022, 23:32
Patryk S. Автор
Thanks for joining Łukasz and Neil!
 16 March 2022, 12:23
Patryk S. Автор
First layer on the resin parts and fuselage interior painted. I prefer to brush paint small parts in this scale, saves a lot of time of paintbrush cleaning and after a clear coat and wash you don't actually see any difference. The Ranger V770 engine on 99% of pictures I have seen was pained Neutral Gray, so I went with this suggestion. The instruction states that it was black.
 18 March 2022, 14:59
Patryk S. Автор
Second layer on. Started some detail painting in the cockpit and did clean up some of the kits parts. Thank you for joining Villiers!
 19 March 2022, 17:44
Well done so far 👍
 19 March 2022, 18:19
Patryk S. Автор
Did some rought preliminary detail painting on the seat and engine - it will be corrected after the second layer. Need to get sone rust and copper colors from my workbench in Germany to finish the engine detail paintig. Did also test fit the exaust ports to the fuselage sides - much trimming was needed for both the ports and fulelage to get a good fit. You can see the difference - lower on the picture is the fuselage side which is allready corrected.
 20 March 2022, 18:24
Patryk S. Автор
More datail painting and silver drybrushing for the seat and cockpit. Small corrections needed, the camera catches more than my eyes. Next a coat of clear flat and a dark wash awaits.
 28 March 2022, 10:37
Patryk S. Автор
Managed to glue the cockpit together, working on parts cleanup, which is extremely difficult due to the plastic beeing extremely sanding paper resistant. Reworking the exhaust system to beter match the original.
 22 May 2022, 16:30
Robert Podkoński
I am impressed with your perseverance here, Patryk. Keep it up!
 22 May 2022, 17:02
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you Robert!
 26 May 2022, 07:31
Patryk S. Автор
Cleaned up all of the parts and sanded them to 2500 grit, now they are ready for priming. Assembled the propeller and glued the engine front in one of the fuselage sides.
 25 December 2022, 16:44
Robert Blaschke
Fingers crossed 🙂
One of special features of this plane was, that the canopy was not opening by sliding, but rotating backwards into the back fuselage. 🙂
Youtube Video
 25 December 2022, 23:23
Patryk S. Автор
Thank You for this valuable reference Robert! It helped to solve some questions that I had, might reeork the exhaust system after seeing this.
 26 December 2022, 08:28
Patryk S. Автор
Primed the small parts with the 1st layer of Tamiya spray matt black.
 26 December 2022, 18:08
Patryk S. Автор
Did prime the other side of the small parts with the 1st layer of tamiya black matt. Rescribed one side of the fuselage as the original scribing was almost invisible and added a document pocket to make the cocpit a bit more busy. Did also put the first layer of Interrior green to the front wheel bay.
 30 December 2022, 18:32
 31 December 2022, 19:38
Patryk S. Автор
Glued the wheel bay and cockpit to the fuselage side today. No issues with fit.
 3 January 2023, 20:39
That sounds really good, Patryk 👍
 3 January 2023, 21:10
Moreno Baruffini
I agree with Cuajete, very good!
 3 January 2023, 21:22
Patryk S. Автор
Thanks Mates, dry fitted the fuselage halves together and no issues besides some putty will be needed in the lower part of the front fuselage. The wing will need some shimming of material where it meets the front wheel bay but nothing significant. Having more fun with this one than the P-36 or the mainstream U-2A.
 3 January 2023, 21:39
Patryk S. Автор
Some advice needed dear Mates: what glue is best to use by vacuform canopies? This is my first attempt, do not want to mess it up.
 3 January 2023, 21:41
Robert Podkoński
In such cases I first glue some pieces of stretched sprue (made square-ish in section first with a knife) around the edge of the opening (in distance from the outer edge equal-ish to the canopy thickness) and then I use drops of thin cyanoacrylate glue one-by-one letting each flow under the edge of the canopy and dry for few seconds before applying the next one... But it is quite time and nerve consuming...
 3 January 2023, 21:49
Patryk S. Автор
Thanks for the advice Robert!
 3 January 2023, 21:55
Łukasz Gliński
Well, I guess there are as many ideas as the mates who use the vacu canopies. I'm afraid of putting together transparent parts and CA glue, so I either stick to some sort of PVA/Kristal Klear (forget the sanding afterwards) or UV glue (usually Bondic, can be sanded after drying very well in UV light).
 4 January 2023, 11:12
Patryk S. Автор
Thank You for the advice Łukasz, maybe the ye olde card modeling technique wil be also a feasible solution - butapren glue 😜
 4 January 2023, 17:14
Patryk S. Автор
Will look for the Bondic if its available also.
 4 January 2023, 17:15
Robert Podkoński
Bondic is a good idea, much less risky than CA glue - the UV setting glue was available in Germany under Revell brand too (I bought such a set few years ago while visiting Erfurt)
 4 January 2023, 17:59
Łukasz Gliński
Ahhh, butapren, never forget 😁How did it go?
- Granma, have you seen my butapren?
- Nope, but have you seen that dragon in the kitchen?
For the non-Polish readers: this glue used to contain trichloroethylene when we were young 😄
 4 January 2023, 18:42
Thomas Espe
Oi, missed this one so far. 👀
Looking good
 4 January 2023, 19:58
Patryk S. Автор
Welcome Thomas!
@Łukasz: Thats a good one😂. I remeber in my town the nice lady that worked in the shop that had then in the 90's would sell me only one tube at a time because she was concerned about my health.😜 I was a card modeler for many years, converted to plastic only a few years ago.
 4 January 2023, 21:06
Patryk S. Автор
@Robert: Thanks, I will try too look it up next week in Germany.
 4 January 2023, 21:08
In injected plastic, it usually works to protect the cockpit from the ciano by immersing it in Future (or similar) and letting it dry before gluing with ciano. In vacu I don't know, but I guess it will work too. However, I wouldn't risk it if you only have one copy of the vacu.
 5 January 2023, 20:00
Patryk S. Автор
@Cuajete: thank you, this is an interresting method indeed. Thinking about making an opened canopy which will reduce the effort and show more detail in the cockpit.
 6 January 2023, 20:17
Patryk S. Автор
Progress so far. Added weight to the fuselage an closed it. Managed to paint most of the small parts also. Fit was good in regards of joining the fuselage. A long sanding session awaits in order to get a smooth effect before adding black primer. Also rescribed the panel lines as they were too shalow. Also need to rework the exhaust in the closed position as depicted on the reference I got.
 1 May 2023, 15:30
Robert Podkoński
Keep it up, Patryk!
 1 May 2023, 15:38
Patryk S. Автор
I will Robert! It will be done, currently working on 5 projects divided between homes in Poland and Germany, so it might take some time. Thanks for still beeing here!
 1 May 2023, 15:42
Jennifer Franklin
Looking good, keep it up!
 1 May 2023, 17:14
Patryk S. Автор
Thank You Jennifer!
 2 May 2023, 19:57
Good dedication on details. Following!
 3 May 2023, 18:12
Thomas Espe
 4 May 2023, 19:56
Patryk S. Автор
Welcome S M and Thomas! Thanks for watching!
 5 May 2023, 06:04
Patryk S. Автор
Update: scribed the lover wing using photo s and the 1:48 czech model kit as references. Small corrections will be needed but under a few coats of black primer and then silver the effect will be ok. The kit had almost no detail on the underside of the wing.
 19 August 2023, 19:06
Good progress 👍
 19 August 2023, 20:53
Patryk S. Автор
The fight continues. Rescribed the right side and reworked the exhaust according to photos and the czech model kit. Painted all the small bits. Looks maybe a bit rough on the picture but pretty much ok for the normal eye - it will be refined before priming
 22 December 2023, 19:15
Robert Podkoński
It is good to see some progress here. Keep it up, Patryk!
 22 December 2023, 20:34
I agree with Robert 👍
 7 January 2024, 19:51
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you Robert and Cuajete!
 7 January 2024, 19:58
Patryk S. Автор
The fight continues. Did attach the wings to the fuselage, the fit was very poor. I filled the gaps with pattex sos glue which I use as filler with very good results. Sanded one side with 800 grit sanding paper and got a flush join.
 27 January 2024, 17:58
I'm taking a seat.
 27 January 2024, 20:21
Patryk S. Автор
Welcome Nicolas!
 27 January 2024, 20:22
Good progress.
 27 January 2024, 20:42
Patryk S. Автор
Done also with the other side with rescribing, reshaping of the exhhaust system anf filling and sanding gaps between the wing and the fuselage. The underside awaits.
 31 January 2024, 12:06
Michael Kohl
The old Special Hobby kits are not for the faint of heart.
Keep going. Looks good what you achieved so far.
I like the Pattex super glue too.
 31 January 2024, 19:47
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you for you kind comment Michael! I am satisfied with the progress so far as it is a very challenging kit to get right.
 31 January 2024, 20:04
Patryk S. Автор
Work continues. Rescribed and scribed all the missing detail as seen on period photos. Got over the hardest part which was canopy attachment. Dipped it with a german equivalent of future clear first, then fitted it to the fuselage and carefully worked around it with super glue to good effect. Need to do this a few times in order to blend the canopy into the fuselage. There were some gaps between the canopy and fuselage but they were filled succesfully with super glue.
 8 April 2024, 17:36
Robert Podkoński
Great job with the canopy, Patryk! The finish line is on a horizon now 😉
 8 April 2024, 18:37
Patryk, you did well to immerse the transparent part in Future to protect it from the gases produced by the cyano.
You are doing a fantastic job with this kit 👍
 8 April 2024, 18:50
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you for your kind comment. The build will still take some time as I want to experiment with the new eduard 3d panels and see if they can withstand spray can painting. I will try to coat them with this german Future gloss equvalent as I already tested it on decals and several spray can paints and sealers and this stuff withstands everything I was able to test it on to this time.
 9 April 2024, 10:37
Patryk S. Автор
Completed the sanding around the canopy. I am very satisfied with the result. It is maybe not visible on the picture but I managed to get a flush connection of the canopy to the fuselage.
 21 April 2024, 18:21
Patryk S. Автор
Attached the horizontal stabilisers with pattex gel glue to have time to tweak their position as they do not have any attachment points. Had to sand both to get a similar look as one was bigger as the other. It is ready for painting, now on to test the eduard panel decals and to see how they stick to the plastic and react to tamiya spray paints.
 22 May 2024, 18:32
Well done so far 👍
 23 May 2024, 18:13
Patryk S. Автор
Thank You Cuajete!
 23 May 2024, 18:44
Patryk S. Автор
Propeller done.
 26 May 2024, 18:10
Patryk S. Автор
The fight continues. Corrected the rudder and reshaped the nose a bit to more resemble the original - unfotunately the ca gel I used went into reaction with the painted resin engine and I need to repaint it after I paint the fuselage. Did prime it with the first coat but unfortunately found many areas to correct - its an old short run after all. Did rework the cooling system - it looks better live then on the picture. I think it begins to turn out ok. Time for the next coat.
1  10 March, 20:43
Daniel Klink
Respect.your endurance is really impressive 👍
1  10 March, 20:46
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you Daniel. No kit gets left behind on my bench😜
2  10 March, 20:48
Łukasz Gliński
Respect keep it up 👍 It looks really smooth on the last pic
1  10 March, 21:03
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you Łukasz!
 10 March, 21:05
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
1  10 March, 21:08
Michael Kohl
Keep it up. Looking good.
 10 March, 22:12
Jennifer Franklin
The propellor looks good. Looking good in general.
 11 March, 02:22
I agree with the mates 👍
Cheer up!
1  11 March, 19:52
Moreno Baruffini
I also agree with the above!!!! 👍🏼
 12 March, 06:40
Patryk S. Автор
Thank you for you kind comments Mates!
1  12 March, 20:12

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