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Тема започната от Hunter Cummins

Hunter Cummins
How do you build the 2 middle shurzwn plates? It shows them in two peices but in the kit its just a solid peice and doesnt show the panel line on the face of the shurzen like in the box art but in the kit it gives the top peices but it doesnt tell you how to build them please help!!!!!!!!!!!
StuG.III Ausf.G Early Production w/Schürzen
Dragon 1:35
6365 2009 Нови части
30 June 2014, 19:03
Frank Krause
Hi Hunter,

try this:

 30 June 2014, 19:50
Hunter Cummins Автор
Thank you so much frank. So I just solder or glue the small plates on the front of the larger pieces of shurzen and line up the hols??
 30 June 2014, 20:10
Frank Krause
I think, you could just hang them on the brackets as it would be on the real vehicle. Big pieces first, than the smaller ones on top. Do some dry-fitting first, then you should see, how it works.

I don't own this kit and no complete instructions on the net, so I can only guess. Sorry!
 30 June 2014, 20:16
Hunter Cummins Автор
Its ok frank. You have acctually helped me alot
And you mean there is acctually a kit you dont have?? 😉 😛
 30 June 2014, 21:13
Frank Krause
Great! Glad, I could help!
😄 😄 😄 Yeah, Hunter, there are actually quite many kits out there I don't have...... yet...😉
 30 June 2014, 21:31
Hunter Cummins Автор
😄 lol thats quite the shocker😉 but one day you will buikd all 1,000 or more kits you got right?? Lol
 30 June 2014, 22:19
John Van Kooten
Hunter, I do have this kit and could take a look at it tonight when I'm back home from work, if you want.

But from what I remember (and I'm fairly sure) the smaller pieces actually hang from the TOP EDGES of the larger middle pieces. In that way they got double plated armor at the top in the two middle sections.
So the middle side skirt pieces are NOT two halve pieces but rather one large piece with the smaller piece stacked on the front top.

I hope you understand what I mean? 🙂
 1 July 2014, 06:30
Hunter Cummins Автор
I do 6nderstand 🙂 thank you 🙂 so basically I take the smaller peice and just slide it onto the holding bracket infront of the larger peice and let it sit there? Please correct me if im wrong 🙂
 1 July 2014, 12:21
Hunter Cummins Автор
And I would like it if you could do that 🙂
 1 July 2014, 12:21
John Van Kooten
I will break out the box and check the exact details of this side skirt construction when I'm at home, but yes, what you said is basically correct 🙂 I'll be back with more info 👍 😉
 1 July 2014, 13:04
Hunter Cummins Автор
Ok sweet thank you John 🙂
 1 July 2014, 13:49
John Van Kooten
No problem, Hunter 🙂

I have checked the parts and it's like this:

The smaller panel needs to be placed on top of the larger panel, with the top of both panels and the notches aligned.

The images below show you how that would look. Quite simple and you pretty much can't make a mistake because the hole in the panels is NOT in the center. So there is only one way they align once layered (see image 2).

That does leave one question though... which side of the panels must face outwards?? Since the holes are not centered, the panels would be in a different location if you turn them around. The instructions are obviously , once again, very clear on that....... NOT!! 😠

Well, luckily there's actually an easy way you can tell 😉

The panels are in the proper order IN the metal sprue. So you must KEEP them in that order and in the same orientation! Both end panels are different in size (height) so make sure the proper end points to the front. Once you have that clear, you will know how to attach them to the plastic carrier bars of the tank. You can compare the metal parts to the drawing and you will see the end that is the highest must be at the front end of the tank.

The third image shows you the order the panels should be attached.

I hope this clears things up a bit 😄



 1 July 2014, 16:07
John Van Kooten
By the way, it's basically what Frank did in his picture 😄 👍
 1 July 2014, 16:14
Hunter Cummins Автор
Yaaaaaaay thank you john very much 🙂 and you to frank!! I can now enter the kursk GB on youtube and have the stug the way I want.
Now one more question. Since I dont have any reference books yet, does the early stug require zimmerit or was it only the late stug 3 ausf G??
 1 July 2014, 18:20
Hunter Cummins Автор
Btw john
When did you get your own website lol and how did you make those photos like that lol
Its awesome!!!
 1 July 2014, 18:25
Good news ( I hope 🙂 ) This Stug does not need Zimmerit.
 1 July 2014, 18:57
Hunter Cummins Автор
Yaaaaaaay 🙂
 1 July 2014, 19:05
Fabian D.
More, it would be wrong for Kursk (Summer ´43) as Zimmerit was introduced in Dec ´43.
have fun with that GB😉
 1 July 2014, 19:13
John Van Kooten
Indeed. The initial and early StuG III Ausf. G's were both with and without zimmerit.

Although a fair number of early Stug III Ausf. G's were built before factory-applied zimmerit was introduced, it must be said that a lot of them did still receive zimmerit after the fact. They either received zimm in the field or were recalled to have it applied in the factory.

But in this case it's pretty much entirely up to the modeler to decide 👍

Just in case, if you apply zimmerit, it has to be the waffle pattern (Alkett manufactured Stug III G) or the small squares pattern (Miag manufactured Stug III G).
 1 July 2014, 19:21
John Van Kooten
@Fabian: zimmerit was invented as a result of the invention of hollow magnetc mines in end 1942. Zimmerit (unofficially) was actually already applied to vehicles in the first half of 1943, which is why you can observe "odd" patterns on vehicles from that first half of 1943!
It was applied in small quantities though. During the summer of 1943 zimmerit was being applied more structurally to an increasing number of vehicles, resulting in the official OKH order dated 1943-12-29, from where on it was being applied as an integral part of manufacturing process.

So even during Kursk there would have been armored vehicles with zimmerit applied.

btw, Hunter, I have had my website / domain for ages😉 but I'm just using it for things like file/image storage, not really a website as such 😉 and the photos were close ups with the parts on the kit's instruction sheet 🙂
 1 July 2014, 19:32
Hunter Cummins Автор
Sweet I am happy noe lol no zimmerit it is lol
John I mean the arrows and the text box. I want my own website lol.
 1 July 2014, 19:35
Fabian D.
again what learned, I´d say... (Damm, I made a real statement... still haven´t learned to use "unlikely" instead of wrong😉 😄 )
 1 July 2014, 19:42
Urban Gardini
Hunter, it's not that hard. All you need is a server to put up your stuff on. [img1]
 1 July 2014, 20:16
Hunter Cummins Автор
Ohhhhh I see
And how do I h0get or make one of those ??
 1 July 2014, 20:33
Hunter Cummins Автор
And how do you make thise text boxes and arrows??
 1 July 2014, 20:34
Frank Krause
Hi Hunter,
I'm simply using "Paint". This simple program allows you to add letters, arrows etc. MS WORD or MS PowerPoint would also work. Depends on your IT knowledge and possibilities. I guess, John could explain it better than me.
 1 July 2014, 20:44
John Van Kooten
LOL @ Fabian 😄 hahaha! Yeah, I have learned not to dismiss information without thoroughly investigating it myself first 😛

@Hunter: I did the arrows and text stuff with an application called FastStone Capture (faststone.org/FSCaptureDetail.htm). It's a lightweight screen capture app (images and movies!) but also an image/video editor. Superb little tool!! I just took the photos, edited them in Photoshop, saved as JPG and drag the JPG into FastStone Capture to use the "Draw" option. With that option you can add arrows and annotations 👍

Thanks Frank 👍 🙂
 1 July 2014, 20:48
vincent coyne
the carpet monster model is great
 1 July 2014, 21:17
Urban Gardini
I love it n' wonder if it's creator is among us here at SCM!
 1 July 2014, 21:19
Hunter Cummins Автор
Lol thank you john. Will try to download it to my tablet 🙂
 1 July 2014, 23:36
John Van Kooten
Cool Hunter 👍 if you want to know something about using the app, don't hesitate to ask 👍 🙂

And yeah, the Carpet Monster is cool! LOL 😛
 2 July 2014, 06:17
Hunter Cummins Автор
Ok johnbyou will be my go to guy😉 🙂
 2 July 2014, 12:17

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