Тема започната от elmo

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25 22 July 2022, 15:22

Cool!!! i like those pilots too. how did you keep all that together, CA or soldering? it looks so clean!
28 August 2024, 20:55

Wow, like it, especially pic 22, looks like a real titanium frame. Thank you for sharing.
30 August 2024, 06:18

Thank you, mates, I am pleased you like it.
Maurizio, the crew was originally a space shuttle crew, created by a Swiss gentleman named Max Grüeter and purchased from Shapeways.
Spanjaard, I used thick and thin UV glue for this project without soldering.
30 August 2024, 13:23

Ed Janka, thank you for the practice sharing. I am also working on an kit from this brand, will try UV glue.
30 August 2024, 16:39