Тема започната от Fox 3

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33 снимки
WIP Mitsubishi F-2A Black Panther
Some preparation for adding colors.
The decals of the slime lights of both Hasegawa and DXM are yellow; when looking at ...
Проект: Viper Zero Black Panthers
40 17 December 2022, 13:40

In as well, I also like to use dcs for some detail I can't find on the usual pics🙂
10 April 2023, 19:25

totally watching - love the jet & blue camo + the approach you're taking!
10 April 2023, 19:29

Love the additional details in the cockpit man, and light blue is spot on!!
7 September 2023, 21:38

For some reason, maybe the wing area difference, this looks better than the F-16 - Very nice work!
5 May 2024, 19:50