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Nigel Chapman
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41 снимки
Revell G WagonView album, image #41
Mk3 roll cage
1:24 Mercedes-Benz 280 GE ELW/VRW (Revell 07350)
16 1 February 2023, 16:38
Nigel Chapman Автор
Looking forward to the next project - A Mercedes G/a.s.s.e.r
A vintage style Gasser using a G280 body with 3d printed resin generic drag chassis and a 572 big block Chevy engine from Iceman Collections.
Wheels and tyres are from the AMT '53 Studebaker.
What do you all think?
 1 February 2023, 16:45
I want to know the name of your local, because it's selling bloody strong beer!
Seriously though, haven't you punished yourself enough?
Just throw something together, with a fancy paint job first, for a rest, then tackle another awesome build? I don't want to see you burnt out, R kid?
 1 February 2023, 17:58
Nigel Chapman Автор
Ah Bozzer where's the fun in that!!?
I think this should be a fairly easy build (famous last words)
And I have a stack of crazy builds in the pipeline.
 1 February 2023, 20:34
Lol, increase the ventilation in your workspace. The glue fumes help, but too much can impair your judgement? I was actually over your way, ish, recently. Draycott in the Clay? I'm sure that I got a whiff of Tamiya Extra Thin? Lol
 2 February 2023, 17:40
Nigel Chapman Автор
Near enough, its up by Burton on Trent. Not sure about Tamiya thin more like the scent of spray paint and melted plastic!
 2 February 2023, 21:21
I was actually avoiding being overcome by the smell of methane at the time, but I could've swore I smelled glue? Anyway, before I forget, congratulations on the video, I enjoyed watching it. And I look forward to seeing the rest of your crazy thoughts. But you lot, are seriously getting me thinking about throwing a car together, just because I have a few! I might actually do a Bug?
 2 February 2023, 22:52
Nigel Chapman Автор
Bozzer err....what video is that? Don't let us distract you from your current projects.
After 4 days in the freezer I have managed to dismantle the previously built parts and now have a complete chassis (ideal for another project in the pipeline).
The floor piece will need some work to allow the engine to fit and maybe a flip front end to show it off.
 3 February 2023, 22:18
It was the unveiling of the snow ski kit? I must admit, it looks a pretty impressive kit! I'll have to keep my eyes open for one.
 4 February 2023, 20:35
Youtube Video
 4 February 2023, 21:49
My mistake mate, it wasn't you. I've definitely been working too much! A day of paint and glue fumes, is long overdue! However, that looks like an amazing kit, in the video 👍
 4 February 2023, 21:51
Nigel Chapman Автор
No problems, my brother had one of these back in the day. You may still find one out there.
 4 February 2023, 22:16
Hen's teeth mate! Already looked. Those wetbikes look kinda cool though
 4 February 2023, 22:38
Nigel Chapman Автор
Some early prep work on the 3D-printed 572 Chevy engine from Iceman Collections which looks superb!
Just a couple of minor edges to fill on the sump and fine cracks in the longer stacks to superglue.
I drilled out all the mounting points for better fitting parts and washed everything ready for paint.
 24 May 2023, 03:35
Nigel Chapman Автор
I too have the Bozzer Syndrome - can't sit idle whilst parts dry/cure so a bit of Dremel action on the G Wagon floor to create the engine space.
The Iceman Collections gasser chassis fits nicely to the floor shape up front.
The rear looks like needing some extra support.
 10 June 2023, 20:57
Can't fault you mate. Idle hands, and all that? Because of the glorious weather we've had, this last two weekends, I've started on my new cave. I've got some pictures, but they're nothing spectacular yet. I'll throw them together and maybe create an album? Currently, I have all 4 sides framed. Now I need to get the ply. I've secured 34 sheets of 8x4 1/2". They will form my walls, floor and roof. The exterior will be cladded and the interior painted. I just hope that this weather holds out for a few more weeks? My plan is to remove the old garden shed, assemble the new cave, then move the old cave stuff, into the new cave, in a weekend. Lol, I know, I'm nuts!
 11 June 2023, 04:31
Always interesting projects missed this one
Coming along good
 15 June 2023, 02:23
Nigel Chapman Автор
Waiting for paint to dry on my other two builds so turning my attention to the G Wagon.
So far it's been mods to the axle stubs to accept the option wheels from the Studebaker Raceliner.
After some drilling and sanding, all the wheels will now locate and attach to the chassis.
Pieces of Evergreen 4.8 mm tube have also been added to the rear stubs for extra strength and a more meaty look.
Brass 1 mm rod and 2 my tube have been used to make adapters for the rear wheels.
1 mm rod will be used for the fronts.
 9 June 2024, 19:50
Nigel Chapman Автор
Managed to break the rear axle stubs on the chassis already (!) so drilled out a new 1 mm hole in the rear axle and adapted the rear wheels to fit accordingly with Evergreen tubing and 1mm brass rod.
Mods to the floor pan to accept the rear chassis completed.
Both front and rear Iceman chassis pieces attach via "slots" so you either add or in my case remove material for the perfect fit. Absolute genius.
First test fit looks god but I want the front end slightly higher.
 26 June 2024, 10:23
Nigel Chapman Автор
Moving on with this build and making progress with the big block Chevy engine.
I need the complete engine made up to determine the placement within the chassis and body.
The prewired distributor came off EBay making the job so much easier.
Every Gasser should have a flip front so that's what I have done, removing the front end using a scriber on the existing body lines. This means of course more front detailing than I normally do - oh joy!
 1 October 2024, 14:55
Nigel Chapman Автор
Been doing some research on gasser design which prompted me to rebuild all the chassis mods so far.
For my application, the engine needs to sit higher in the frame so the original engine mounts were removed and new ones fabricated. It also sits at a slight angle (3 degrees in reality) as this would generate more down force to the rear axle.
The original gearbox support has been extensively modified and moved slightly forward for a better fit.
The X frame has been replaced using slightly smaller diameter square section placed lower between the chassis rails to enable the prop shaft to fit.
This becoming a fascinating project.
 9 October 2024, 20:30
Nigel Chapman Автор
Always up for a challenge I've been having a go at making my own custom gasser headers as the engine kit headers were not suitable.
I've used Evergreen 223 tube with 1 mm metal rod and bent to shape. This is rhe second attempt.
 11 October 2024, 18:50
Nigel Chapman Автор
Rather pleased with headers, they look good with the engine and fit just nicely with the chassis.
Test fit of body, chassis and engine and everything fits apart from the flip up front so the firewall is going to need some adjustment.
 7 November 2024, 15:59
Nigel Chapman Автор
Firewall, tunnel and flooring underway. It's getting there and will need further refinement.
For the tunnel I used part a boom section from the AMT Peterbilt wrecker, cutting one end along the top with the Dremel and filling it with a triangular piece of styrene. Some Mr Hobby putty applied so I can get the shape I want.
 18 November 2024, 11:24
Nice progress mate 👍
 18 November 2024, 14:10
Nigel Chapman Автор
Thanks, slowly but surely. Just wondering if there is enough room for a radiator up front.
 18 November 2024, 15:37
Bloody hell, I never thought about that???
 18 November 2024, 18:50
Nigel Chapman Автор
Plan A go for the radiator, plan B Alcohol fuelled so no radiator
 18 November 2024, 22:44
Martin Oostrom
Who needs radiators? They're only in the way
 19 November 2024, 05:48
Nigel Chapman Автор
Martin I think you're right so it's plan B.
Flooring/transmission tunnel completed. A bit more fiddly than I expected but happy with end result.
The underside looks worse than it is.
 27 November 2024, 16:51
Nigel Chapman Автор
Front shocks fabricated with tubing and metal rod. They look the part.
Tidied the transmission tunnel as well.
 30 November 2024, 17:14
Nigel Chapman Автор
Interior mock with a start on the roll cage. The kit seats have had headrests removed for the gasser bucket look.
Both front seat mounts look to be off center, particularly the drivers side so will be moved inwards slightly which will also help with mounting the side roll cage bars.
 4 January, 22:08
Nigel Chapman Автор
Working on the roll cage. Got the basic shape for the driver compartment making sure everything fits as it should including the glass (so far 🤪) .
Second version looks much better with the longer rear bars. Still have some more bits add.
 19 January, 17:51
Yngve N
I know I'm late for this party but it's obviously not over yet. There's plenty of things to learn and this is a perfect way to do so
 24 January, 08:48
Nigel Chapman Автор
Thanks Yngvenett and welcome!
1  24 January, 09:42
Nigel Chapman Автор
Mk3 roll cage already. The Mk2 version was too high so I had to cut the square section off and cut angles out to 'insert' it between the lower cross pieces.
I also added extra smaller supports for the rear which looks much better visually.
It looks a bit rough but I think it just adds to the home made look I am aiming for.
 15 February, 16:09

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