Тема започната от M4A1

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36 17 March 2023, 17:56

Does anybody know if there is a webshop in the European Union where separate Asuka sprues can be ordered?
17 March 2023, 20:17

Finished assembling the bogies. Always nice to have 6 bogies assembled considering the amount of parts per bogie.
28 May 2024, 06:56

Added the bogies and put the both hull parts together. It's dry fit. But it shows that this Firefly is coming together nicely.
29 May 2024, 07:01

Working on the base of this project. The Sherman is ready to be painted.
13 October 2024, 18:26

The Firefly has got it's base color. It's Tamiya olive green made lighter with Tamiya lemon yellow. When I'm done wheatering the tank will have a darker tone. I've started with chipping before adding washes and drybrushes. This time I've used chipping medium of Vallejo. It's the first time I'm using it. The Sherman got 2 layers of grey, dark and light, and the olive green color. After each grey layer I applied a layer of chipping medium. In the tutorial I've watched it looked pretty easy, in reality I found it quite challenging. On some spots more green paint came off then intended. Clearly I need to find my way with this technique.
22 October 2024, 07:28

Started painting the details and adding decals. Always brings a model to life.
26 October 2024, 18:46

The first figure is done. It's the driver. Concentrated on the head, collar and shoulders. More isn't visible when placed in the Firefly.
9 November 2024, 22:12

Added pics of the wheatering process of the Firefly. The hull is pretty much on the way, the turret is still quite clean. Added a black pin wash to the hull, turret and stowage and a drybrush to the hull. Obviously work in progress. The drybrush looks a bit harsh but is more subtle than on the pictures due to the lighting.
18 November 2024, 09:24

Thanks! The Sherman is nearing it's completion just as the figures in the turret. Also finished the road sign.
23 November 2024, 20:25

Finished the crucifix. After painting it with the base color, I've added several drybrushes.
30 November 2024, 17:32

Very appealing diorama with good layout showing the communication of the soldiers!
29 December 2024, 10:40