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Тема започната от Eddie the Brave

Edward MacKenzie
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Hawker Tempest V - «Le Grand Charles», Pierre ClostermannView album, image #25
Here we go, the finished Tempest. Enjoy ;-)
Проект: Hawker Tempest V
1:72 Hawker Tempest Mk.V (Kovozávody Prostějov KPM0220)1:72 Tempest V (Academy 12466)
48 2 April 2023, 17:12
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
 2 April 2023, 17:17
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you Guy 🙂 I just have found out that the markings of the «Grand Charles» are wrong in this Kit! Have to follow the decal-markings from the Kovozávody Prostějov Kit...
 2 April 2023, 17:28
Andy Ball
Cool. Love a Tiffie in town! Or a Tempest even….
 2 April 2023, 18:37
Moreno Baruffini
Following too! I've also the kit and aftermarket decals for the Clostermann' plane.
Eager to learn from you!
 2 April 2023, 18:40
Edward MacKenzie Автор
I love them too, Andy. A real beautiful bird 🙂
 2 April 2023, 21:16
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thanks Moreno, but i am not sure that you can learn from me, you're too kind 😉
 2 April 2023, 21:17
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Cockpit is finished. I have made the instrumental panel by myself and also the seatbelts. I am happy with it 🙂
 15 April 2023, 05:59
Moreno Baruffini
I totally agree with you! Great scratch built!
 15 April 2023, 06:24
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Mille grazie Moreno! I am glad you like it 🙂
 15 April 2023, 09:31
Bernd Grün
Following with interest! 👀
 17 April 2023, 07:38
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Vielen Dank für dein Interesse, Bernd 🙂
 17 April 2023, 16:28
Bruce Huxtable
Very neat instruments, how on Earth do you paint the fine details?
 17 April 2023, 16:33
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you very much Bruce! Well, i use the dry-brushing technique with the smallest brush and a veeeeery quiiieeeeet hand 😄
 17 April 2023, 16:52
Bruce Huxtable
Skills I have yet to develop, Edward. You have certainly succeeded 🙂
 17 April 2023, 17:01
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thanks again Bruce for your very kind compliment! I'm very glad you like it 😄
 17 April 2023, 17:18
Edward MacKenzie Автор
After a longer break i did the paintjob. All brushpainted in two layers.
 20 August 2023, 10:02
Moreno Baruffini
Well done 👍🏻
 20 August 2023, 10:58
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Grazie Moreno 🙂
 20 August 2023, 11:22
Andy Ball
This is shaping up into one howling Tempest!
 20 August 2023, 12:58
Great work on this build!👍🏻
 20 August 2023, 13:09
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Many thanks to you both for yer kind words, Andy and J35J. 🙂
I give my best on that!
 20 August 2023, 18:25
Живко Джаков
Looks very good!
 21 August 2023, 11:20
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you Живко for your kind words 🙂
 21 August 2023, 16:25
Łukasz Gliński
 21 August 2023, 17:15
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Did yesterday gloss varnish overall, tmo i'll start with decals.
 16 September 2023, 07:05
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Did the decals today 🙂 To be honest, i am not really happy with the Academy decals.
 17 September 2023, 18:43
Moreno Baruffini
A bit of silvering, but a satisfying result 👍🏻
 17 September 2023, 18:48
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Yeah, as i wrote i am not happy with the decals. But thanks Moreno!
 17 September 2023, 18:52
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Just have finished this project today. I am happy with it, pictures follow soon. Thanks guys for following 😄
 25 September 2023, 21:03
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Pictures uploaded. I am happy with the result. 🙂
 26 September 2023, 18:20
Moreno Baruffini
Great pictures and great result! 👍🏻
 26 September 2023, 18:32
Guy Rump
Great result, congrats! 👍
 26 September 2023, 18:34
Łukasz Gliński
Fabulous 👍
 27 September 2023, 08:58
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you Moreno, Guy and Łukasz. 🙂
 27 September 2023, 11:04
Very nice result!
 27 September 2023, 11:06
Andy Ball
Clostermann would be very proud!
 27 September 2023, 15:57
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you J35J. I really hope so, Andy 😄
 27 September 2023, 16:16
Sadek Khalidi
Impressing result especially You using a brush. Hard to mark it looking on finished model!
 28 October 2023, 06:27
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you for your very kind comment, Sadek. Yes, as a brushpainter life is not easy. But i do my best and i think, it came out well 😊
 28 October 2023, 09:13
Same as Sadek! 👍
 28 October 2023, 09:17
Sadek Khalidi
I was painting with brush as well, Come to airbrush wehn i started my hobby over for 2 years ago and still learning.
But i know how hard is to do a perfect brush painting as You do.
 28 October 2023, 10:28
Bernd Grün
Beautiful result, Edward! 👍🏻👌
 28 October 2023, 12:02
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you Neuling and Bernd! Very kind 🙂
 28 October 2023, 21:12
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Thank you again Sadek. It isn't perfect but with a quiet hand and a few layers of thinned down paint it can come out as this Tempest. I am really afraid of using an airbrush. I think it can come out more worse than good...
 28 October 2023, 21:15
Sadek Khalidi
Hello Edward!
I can assure You there is nothing to be afraid of.
I was building as as a kid up to my 20 ties, first planes 1:72 lately some 1:48 and 1:35 vehicles. And the end of this period i tryed airbrush, a simple revell beginner set with a gas can. It went not so good but i was able to paint some armor kits. After this i had a pause in my hobby about 25 years. Started for about 2 years ago with simple corsair 1:72 from mistercraft ( old heller kit) I was trying to made 3 color USnavy cammo with a brush, but it went not good- Before i was using humbrol and tamiya enamels, now i was trying with acrylics and it went not so good.
Thats the reason I have respect for guys like You who can brush with acrylics with perfect results.
I was not able to get a good effect but i wanted to stay with acrylics because of smell... I got a small compressor and cheapest airbrush. After one week i was painting kits like madman.
Finally the cheapest airbrush i got ( some no name) got all possible faults most because of bad quality of seals. Later I upgraded to better brush and painting since that.
Main advantage is you are using much less paint than with brush and getting more uniform layers. If you have problem with precission details its always possible to make ma mask. I can only recommend You to make a try.
 29 October 2023, 05:41
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Sadek, thank you very much for your comments. I took up the hobby again in 2018, similar to you, after more than 20 years. In the past, I had never painted the models. But this time I achieved quite a good result with the first model, a 1/72 Revell Spitfire Vb, without masking. The most difficult for me so far was the three-coloured Hellcat from Eduard. Soft colour transitions can only be achieved to a limited extent with brushes, but I still enjoy the result very much. Yes, airbrushing has many advantages, I agree. However, I am put off by the handling and application. I read a lot about the subject in the forums. Maybe one day I will try it too...
This is my Hellcat:
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat | Album by Eddie the Brave (1:72)
 29 October 2023, 06:42
Sadek Khalidi
Nicely done--- here i put some older pictures with buccaneer in same painscheme...It was a tricky build ( special hoobby)- i was forced to cut the wings and mount them again- since i watched a docummentery and it became obvious real plane had another geometry...

MyAlbum | Album by Sadolf (1:72)
 29 October 2023, 11:44
Edward MacKenzie Автор
Congrats Sadek, great work on that buccaneer! I like Special Hobby, they make some special planes you cannot (easy) find easy from other companies.
 29 October 2023, 18:04
Sadek Khalidi
Thats all beauty with limited run models- more job but you will get something special.
Im not much on 1:72 but if i see something intressting with is not aviliable in 48 scale im getting on it.
Unfortunelly now i have kind of forced stop on collecting models simply because i have too much in my stash ( and not too much in my wallet🙂
But if im lucky i will get Sikorsky flying boat in 72...
 30 October 2023, 01:34
Edward MacKenzie Автор
I am building all my planes in 1/72 because i don't want to mix the scale just to have all in the same scale. I also have much kits, i think 50, in the stash, but like yer Sikorsky, when i see something special then i try to get it. Happy modelling my friend! ☺️
 30 October 2023, 05:11
Jerem Aquette
Hey! Le tempest de Cloclo! J'ai la meme boite academy et 2 autres KP.
Joli resultat!
J'ai une boite en stock avec ces spitfires et tempest, plus le bf109G10 de son cousin allemand.
J'ai dû lire son bouquin une bonne dizaine de fois.
 28 February, 08:52
Edward MacKenzie Автор
En tant que Français, il faut presque avoir fait sa Tempest et/ou son Spitfire. J'ai aussi sa Tempest de KP et le Spitfire Mk. IX d'Eduard avec ses marquages. J'ai lu ses livres, les deux. Un homme très impressionnant... Merci pour tes compliments ! 😄
 28 February, 10:04

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