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Ian Doody
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B-Wing Assault Starfighter.View album, image #94
WIP continues on my version of a Rogue Squadron B-Wing several years after the battle of the second death star. Startin...
1:72 B-Wing Starfighter (Bandai 01208)
63 19 May 2023, 17:27
Ian Doody Автор
Next 1/72 Bandai Star Wars kit, B-Wing. Think I want this to be different to the movie one, so possibly Green or Blue Squadron, or something else, not sure. Just snapped most of it together, to get a clue about sub assemblies, and where the paints going. The Sullustian Pilot is teeny tiny, eeny weenie.
 19 May 2023, 17:28
Gareth Lloyd
Nice 😎
Green squadron is a good one to go for, I've made one of those. The grey blue and light grey stripes front and back are good masking practice😊and gives plenty of weathering options.
 19 May 2023, 17:46
I think maybe this is the special edition, with the alternative pilot figure.
 19 May 2023, 18:25
Q: I've always wondered, how long is the B-Wing model in 1:72 scale?
 19 May 2023, 18:26
Gareth Lloyd
@Treehugger, I'm guessing you mean from the top of the cockpit to the big cannons at the 'bottom'? Although it can fly in pretty much any orientation.
Quick measurement on My Bandai ones gives roughly 24cm (9.45 inch)
 20 May 2023, 09:10
Ian Doody Автор
B-Wing Cockpit and the Galaxies smallest Sullustan Pilot, Bien Numb. Looks like I'm going for Orange Squadron with this one. It's amazing he is painted at all, 1/72 really is too small for me now.
 20 May 2023, 19:36
Ian Doody Автор
That's it for today, I'm going in a totally different direction to the boxart version. Thinking Brown Two lol 😆 or a member of Orange Squadron. I'll see where I end up.
 21 May 2023, 15:58
Looking good, will follow
 22 May 2023, 17:21
Ian Doody Автор
Not much done on this recently, as I've not been in the mood. A very long way still to go, just blocking in basic colours still. But, it does look like a B-Wing.
 23 May 2023, 15:55
Gareth Lloyd
Looking for inspiration? This was mine : [img1] (still trying to push you towards a Green Squadron 😉 )
 24 May 2023, 18:07
Ian Doody Автор
For the moment, this project is now on hold, until inspiration hits me again. At a future point, I'll pick it back up and finish it. But for now I have to get back to my F1 kits.
 25 May 2023, 16:26
Ian Doody Автор
1/90ish Bandai Slayn & Korpil A/SF-01B B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighter. End of day one. So far, so cool. New lighting, and brand new painting chair, seem to be working together. Really like the direction this one's going. "Orange 5" Rogue Squadron.
 12 February 2024, 17:20
Jennifer Franklin
 12 February 2024, 17:42
Ian Doody Автор
Cockpit almost done. Definitely liking this one, a lot more interesting than the movie version. This is one knackered B-Wing.
 13 February 2024, 13:21
Ian Doody Автор
That's it for another day. Fitted the sensor pods to the neck engine area. Looking nice so far.
 13 February 2024, 15:35
Nathan Dempsey
Looking great 👍🏼
 13 February 2024, 17:06
Incredible worn paint look! Can you share some of your process?
 13 February 2024, 18:44
Ian Doody Автор
@Freak it's just washes, lots of watered down washes, hand painted scratches, and chips, smudged hobby paint. mushed together.
 13 February 2024, 19:01
Awesome! Great progress!
 14 February 2024, 02:12
Love this
 14 February 2024, 02:46
Ian Doody Автор
Engines done on the Bandai B-Wing. And making a start on the lower wing body. Trying to make it look like it's had a few parts replaced from other ships, and has seen a fair few battles. A veterans ship, kept going with whatever the crew chief can get her hands on.
 14 February 2024, 22:48
Ian Doody Автор
This is the last post for the next two weeks on the B, work will continue, and I'll finish it up after my Birthday, probably first week of March. Just blocking in colours and weathering with washes as I go. Then I'll go back over it with chips, and finally add decals and ID markings.
 18 February 2024, 02:52
Jennifer Franklin
Happy Birthday

Your modeling work is looking good. Look forward to your return.
 18 February 2024, 03:35
🙂 Happy Birthday!
 18 February 2024, 15:54
Happy birthday! Now get back to that B-Wing! 😜
Kidding aside, may you have many more years doing what you love.
 18 February 2024, 17:40
Rui S
Great weathering 👍
 25 February 2024, 17:06
Ian Doody Автор
WIP, 1/72 Bandai B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighter, painting it as a member of Rogue Squadron. Bored of creamy grey Star Wars stuff. Adding paint that I think makes it interesting to look at, so breaking up large areas with scuffs, scratches and mud splats, rust patches. This is all basic areas, I'll add the Squadron markings eventually.
 25 June 2024, 16:58
Very interesting paint choice!! Great weathering also!
 25 June 2024, 17:18
👍 Loving your progress and paint / pallet choices!
 26 June 2024, 02:38
Ian Doody Автор
Rogue Squadron B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighter. A bit more painting and weathering done today. Quite pleased how different it looks to the stock B. More to come, have the main lower wing area to do, then weapons, then Squadron ID markings.
 26 June 2024, 18:16
Ian Doody Автор
I'll be taking a look at this tomorrow ,time to finish it off.
 3 September 2024, 19:11
Jennifer Franklin
Love the colours
 8 September 2024, 21:34
Ian Doody Автор
WIP continues on my version of a Rogue Squadron B-Wing several years after the battle of the second death star. Starting to look it's age, but it's pilot loves it so much he doesn't want a newer ship. All brush painted, it's practice for doing the Slave-1, Millennium Falcon and the Mandalorians drop ship soon.
 18 November 2024, 15:55
Still awesome!
 18 November 2024, 16:06
Michael Osadciw
 20 November 2024, 18:20
Michael Osadciw
The weathering is really making all of that sweet Bandai detail pop. Love it!
 20 November 2024, 18:20
Ian Doody Автор
For now, I'm calling this done, but I will come back and add more super weathering and ID bands, personal emblems.
1  9 February, 20:21
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice!
 14 February, 23:51

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