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Проект: Porsche Carrera GT *Deep Black*
124 14 June 2023, 18:49

I wasent expecting you to improve the kit much I had a look in the box
And though the kit was very nice
I can now see you started your improvements
I think we will be in for a treat
I am sitting on the edge of my chair now
16 June 2023, 04:00

Don't get me wrong, it IS a beautiful kit and Tamiya does it justice. I just like to do some little "upgrades" here and there just to challenge myself and have some fun
16 June 2023, 11:45

I must say for the price of the kit I do agree whed you
If I compare to the porcshe valiant I got not much difference in the details
Yet 3 times the price
I dident take the parts out of the bags and have a good look at all
I do like the changes you are making and sure very interested
I also think a kit like that deserves some attention
Thanks for sharing your info on what extras you are using and the detailed
Pics and info on this build much appreciated
16 June 2023, 11:54

I guess the valiant kit is an older kit reboxed and the carrera is a new tool kit
16 June 2023, 12:01

Not my cup of tea, but if such a master modeler is doing a big scale Tamiya I have to watch 👍
And yes, I fully understand the need of some scratch work even it is a Tamiya kit. Made the same experience with my first Tamiya build recently.
There will be another session of how to paint a real _glossy_ Black car!
16 June 2023, 12:03

Ah the 934, also on my to do list. But I want to do a street version.
16 June 2023, 12:03

Thanks bughunter and welcome on board!
@Jv what I mean by that I want to build one without the sponsoring decals. Just plain white paint, I think it looks gorgeous
18 June 2023, 12:57

I can only look forward to see what you do
As a beginner in the modelling I do have limitations on what I think I can do
Seeing builds like yours are very informative
Hens I buy kits I won't touch fo some time other then look in the boxes
Yout builds have always been fantastic an I am sure not just an inspiration to me
As of now I have seen plenty of excellent builds here
I just lack the vision to see how to change a build as much as you
Its always an inspiration to see your builds
I think many not just me learn from it
Thanks for your detailed information and pictures in past builds
I will always learn and enjoy your builds
Thanks for sharing
18 June 2023, 13:44

Are you having a midlife crisis?
Because that was on the radio this week: Men in midlife crisis buy a Porsche or run marathons 😉
And this model is the much more cost-effective solution! 👍
18 June 2023, 16:09

Thanks again Jv, I am really enjoying sharing my work and even more if someone can take inspiration from it-
bughunter, I am approaching my 40ies with full steam ahead so you might be actually onto something. Even the idea of a marathon crossed my mind lately 😄
welcome Stéphane!
19 June 2023, 20:42

Don't worry mate, nothing really happened yet 😄 all the fun stuff is yet to come
23 June 2023, 20:09

A real neat working space compared to my controlled disaster area 🙂
24 June 2023, 08:58

Villiers, it is the same when guest coming over and you hastily clean up that is what I do before making photos 😄 Believe me, sometimes (mostly) the table looks like a nuclear explosion went off
Jv, check out the project page I've listed some stuff. Not sure if I am going to use it all though
Welcome Michael!
25 June 2023, 08:53

Yes I see so all the small bags are after market I guess
I thought the kit had some
I will have to get the kit out and have a good look at it I never took parts out of bags
Yet because I have no plans to build it for a while
I have got some cheaper kits to practice on
Sofaere I am impressed by the changes you have made
Less impressed but tamiya considering the price of the kit
25 June 2023, 09:44

What are the things that you used to upgrade the shock absorbers? Your build is amazing btw.
26 June 2023, 01:48

Thanks Roger, they are called "cable and sleeves". You can find them in electronic/electric supply stores or online. They are basically metal tubes that come in different diameters and can be used for a variety of purposes where a hollow tube/pipe etc is needed, very versatile and useful. Exhausts, shock absorbers, oleos ect. I have an assorted box of them and they are a staple in my scratch building "arsenal" by now. The material is tin plated copper, easy to work with.
26 June 2023, 15:03

those decals certainly look fantastic, hard work, but fantastic result.
20 July 2023, 11:24

I really like the trick with painting through the metal mesh 👍 The rest of your work is great too.
28 July 2023, 18:52

Just WOW. Love to see all the steps and the solutions you adopted. That belt and pulleys? Lovely.
31 July 2023, 09:54

Beautiful work - a lot to point out, but I particularly like the clean application of the carbon fiber decals! 👍
Looking forward to the rest of the build.
5 August 2023, 11:15

Popped in again to have a look
It happens almost every day lol
Your improvement on this kit is amazing
Thanks for shearing all the info
5 August 2023, 15:22

Just popping in agen this build is impressive in 2 ways
The details and the speed you are getting it done in
To many favourit details to mention just one
11 August 2023, 12:42

Jv, you are welcome to "pop in" any time you like! I am too am content with the progression of this build. I took a vow to dedicate more time to modeling and following through with it because the last couple of years the output was pretty thin so I am making good progress. To all the other guys: thanks a lot!
11 August 2023, 16:15

Ontill you started this build I was very happy with my kit
That's said
I never took any part out of the bags
For a kit at this cost I think its mind blowing how much you have improved it
Being new to modelling I am starting to realise all kits Need some improvements
And there is no limit you can go to
Your build is fantastic and thanks for sharing all your info
11 August 2023, 16:29

I am so sorry if I spoiled it for you 😄. Yes, every kit CAN be improved beyond stupid. Does not mean it should. Once in a while I do what I call a "recreational build" where I just enjoy the process, follow the instructions and don't stress much about the improvements. Just glue, paint and pure joy and I feel like a kid again... I have a whole album dedicated to it, check it out! Please don't be discouraged, it is a great kit and you can man one hell of a model out of the box👍
11 August 2023, 16:43

Not spoiled appropriate your build and I think this kit deserves special attention
11 August 2023, 18:01

The last recreational build you did was the Countach? We need to talk definitions sometime 😂
11 August 2023, 19:08

I'm off to vacation gents and ladies, no update for a week, seeya!
13 August 2023, 07:51

Enjoy your holiday
Thanks for your like
I will sure look up your other builds
13 August 2023, 07:54

Not yet! 😉 There will be a second coat of clear and a polishing then we'll see 👍
18 August 2023, 18:45

I am again and again impressed by your meticulous work. Keep it going.
1 September 2023, 12:06

Never too late, Kyle. Welcome!
Thanks Michael, I must say this is a very enjoyable and pleasing project despite of maybe because of all the extra work 👍
6 September 2023, 15:55

I can relate to the joy of extra work Alexander, especially if it's about scratch building parts - looking at your results, it must have been a joy! 🙂
6 September 2023, 18:26

You have all the reasons to be happy with the progress. I really like how you achieve to make all the different materials look very convincing, being it leather, or carbon, or paint, or - you name it.
7 September 2023, 06:42

Another master class tutorial by Mr Shiny. You never cease to amaze me.
11 September 2023, 18:23

Be careful with those gas-filled telescopic struts while working on them - can be dangerous!
Your work is sooo impressively realistic 👍
18 September 2023, 15:24

The doors are master pieces. Fitting in right with the rest of the build.
10 October 2023, 20:20

Thx guys! We are definitely approaching the finish line, the clear on the last batch of body parts needs some more drying time before I can polish them, at least a week. Until then!
12 October 2023, 08:15

The mirror effect in pic 350 could also be a painted skull 😉
Impressive modeling skills 👍
6 November 2023, 08:12

Mates, I finished the model. Going to dump the last pictures in the following days
21 November 2023, 00:59

Mates, the project is finished. I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I did not deter you from building this kit 😛 As with every other kit there is potential for improvement, but you will achieve a great result out of the box.
Proper pictures of the finished model following, I hope I won`t drag it out like I always do. Chances are it might even happen this year 😄 Take care!
cheers, Alex
23 November 2023, 15:20

So, we're at the end of this wonderful trip. Thank you very very much for sharing all this with us!
23 November 2023, 19:01

As mentioned above, the finish is beautifully done. Black shows up every flaw and imperfection, your paintwork is flawless.
23 November 2023, 23:17

Congratulations on your finish
It sure has been a fantastic build to watch
Amazing work
27 November 2023, 09:59

Another Mr Shiny tutorial. It never ceases to amaze me how you can achieve this with basically the same tools I have. Talent is underrated Alexander, but I applaud you!
29 November 2023, 19:05

Wanted to say something smart, but the others already put everything into nice words. So I just nod my head in respect and agreement and wait anxiously for the weathering stage. 😉
30 November 2023, 12:07

Thx mates👍
@Neuling: Oh it is far from flawless believe me! I also have a keen talent in hiding them 😄
@Martin: I worked in a car body repair and painting shop in my younger years, that might have helped! I carried over the know how and adapted it to the smaller scale and it seems to work out
@Michael: Weathering, right 😄...I swear I have seen this comment already somewhere from you 🙂
1 December 2023, 11:40

It's rare that a build log warrants 400+ photos, but this... this is world class!
1 December 2023, 17:34

Thx Rui and Brandon, I made a total of almost 800 photos during the build, tried to limit myself to the most interesting stuff from what I posted here... well ended up at 400+ I sincerely hope it wasn't too repetitive, especially the carbon fiber stuff 😄
1 December 2023, 20:26

It sure was much appreciated Alexander
I think we all here like to see how you achieved such a fantastic model
Sure many fantastic idea's how to do things
We may not all use them all
But I am sure some of your solution will be used in other people builds
Thanks for sharing
3 December 2023, 16:54

Absolutely brilliant modelling ! And thank you so much for all those handy tips that you shared. 👍
15 July 2024, 19:39

FINALLY took the time to make some proper and well deserved pictures. Tried to do something artsy I guess...
1 22 September 2024, 15:08

Holla, die Waldfee! 👍
Is Porsche capable of producing such a flawless original? I suspect probably not.
22 September 2024, 15:13

Amazing Alex! You are building a real Carreras GT! And even the inner side of the dashboard is carbon decal covered. This work perfectly combines the elegance of outside with the inner beauty of mechanics. It reminds me of an ancient Chinese poem "云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓", which was written by famous poet Li Bai in Tang Dynasty (1500 yrs ago), to praise the beauty of the queen. "Clouds think of her clothes, flowers think of her face, Spring breeze brushes the railing, dew glistens richly."
1 22 September 2024, 15:37

BTW, You used the golden carbon decal for the interior door. I also tried to apply clear color on carbon decal, it also works well.
And again, thanks for sharing. Really leant a lot from your building process.
22 September 2024, 15:47

Thanks for the invitation to come and have a look. I was so happy with my Torana but now I see I am at the bottom of a very steep hill. No, the bottom of a very steep mountain. Alex, the level of inspiration you instill in your fellow modellers may well be insurmountable but We have a trail to follow. Thank you so much for achieving what we see as perfection and challenging us to follow!
1 2 January, 21:33

Alex this is just mind boggling. Absolutely stunning, my friend. I am nearly speechless.
2 3 January, 04:51