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Тема започната от karambolis8

Adam Gudynowski
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10 снимки
P.11c work in progressView album, image #10
Проект: PZL P.11c white 3
1:32 PZL P.11c Polish Fighter (IBG Models 32003L)1:32 Bristol Mercury V for PZL P.11 (BitsKrieg BK/IBG 32004)1:32 Control stick, Cocking levers & Tailskid for PZL P.11 (BitsKrieg BK/IBG 32003)10+
25 7 September 2023, 08:28
Adam Gudynowski Автор
Decals put with hairdryer, no softer liquid.
 7 January 2024, 13:59
Very impressive! Do you wait for the decals to set or do you have to hit them with the hair dryer while still wet?
 7 January 2024, 14:25
Adam Gudynowski Автор
I apply setter liquid, position the decal, remove excess with brush and then hairdryer on still wet. Heat softens the decal very well, so after that there is no chance for repositioning.
 7 January 2024, 17:33
 7 January 2024, 20:20
Rafał Kurowski
 16 January, 12:45
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress. The detail work on the engine is beautiful.
 16 January, 13:22
Rui S
Looking Great 👍 i'm in 😎
 16 January, 19:42

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