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23 снимки
Junkers F-13 1:48 MikroMir
Made the handles from PE and Albion Alloys tubes.
Проект: Junkers F-13 1:48
26 11 November 2023, 12:00

Ah, here it is! These corrugations are not easy to handle, especially when so much putty is needed. Good luck!
11 November 2023, 17:01

Thanks mates for the likes.
Moin Bughunter, yes, it's not easy when you stopped because it was late. 👎
And I wish I could solder. Already broke one of the landing gears (part 14/17). The plastic is very soft and thin.
Also the mainstrut (part 55) doesn't look very stable.
And I'm dreaming of a wooden prop. 🙂
But there is no surrender.
11 November 2023, 17:17

Thanks for all the likes, mates.
@ Thomas Bischoff, don't hesitate, buy it. And for the seats you can use german WW I seatbelts.
19 November 2023, 18:49

Sorry, but no. 🙁
I'm still not happy with the remainig putty on the corrugated parts.
I ordered this tool from Green Stuff greenstuffworld.com/..obby-schnitzset.html
And now I need to wait...
18 January 2024, 10:11

The tools from greenstuff are to big to clean up the putty. So it is what it is now.
Next problem is the landing gear. Not sure if I can fix this.
Let's see how MiniArt will do this.
5 February 2024, 21:56