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86 1 December 2023, 11:40

Small progress with my Crusader, removed all injector pin markings and sprayed the intake smooth with Mr Color white. Since I'm probably going to make a J-version, I can now easily place the longer ECM 'blister' on the vertical tail after sanding off the smaller one.
16 December 2023, 06:11

Oh, another impressionist build? That's gonna be fun. And a Crusader too? Sound like even more fun.
Teasing us with ejector pin mark closures. That's mean. Ok, I'll be patient.
16 December 2023, 17:46

Welcome Guy...and Rando that's a possibility I have the decal sheet from Furball 'Mig Masters', so plenty opportunities 😉!
@Michael: What do you mean by another impressionistic build?
16 December 2023, 22:38

I've been referring to a discussion with your last build. Thought it rings a bell.
Looking forward for your progress here.
18 December 2023, 08:01

I don't know why you (also) think this is an impressionistic model, in contrast, this Crusader will be a derivative of one of the Mig killers from the Furball decal sheet. I would say stick with it and follow the model building of my F-8 🙂!
19 December 2023, 10:32

Welcome Tommy, looking forward to the reveal of your Intruder...👍!!
19 December 2023, 10:34

Hi Jos, it was meant as an ironic and humorous remark. No pun or offence intended - on the contrary. Sorry, if I caused mischief. My bad.
I like to follow your builds as I consider them of very fine quality. Concerning realism I simply have not enough expertise to judge.
Hope I could clarify that.
19 December 2023, 12:40

Welcome Michael and Andreas!
This week I wanna make some progress on the Crusader. Started to sand the seams of the intake and filled it with Vallejo Plastic Putty. I will also rivet the wings with a 0.75mm and 1.00mm wheel, as I find this look best for 1/48 scale.
2 January 2024, 08:54

All wings were riveted, I've fitted the Aires cockpit into the fuselage plus the resin exhaust. The Eduard Brassin exhaust is then covered in Gloss Black base from Alclad as a good smooth surface for the Metal colors.
5 January 2024, 20:02

Hi Rando, thanks...the Aires cockpits are super detailed, that's not the reason, but it is a disaster to install them. No Aires cockpit will fit, you will always have to sand, cut, fit, and so on. However, the result is stunning, and that's what it's all about, isn't it?! 😄
@Nathan and Desert Marlin, great to have here mates 👍!
7 January 2024, 13:02

Ahh yeah I'd heard this about many AM resin cockpits, was wondering if Aires was any different. Was thinking about investing in some Aires Crusader wheel wells in order to avoid dealing with all the ejector pin marks. Guess sanding and fitting beats pin marks in tight places!
7 January 2024, 13:14

I love the metals from Gunze, just polish it and you get a nice weathered look.
8 January 2024, 22:29

The Aires cockpit has been successfully installed. The two fuselage parts are glued together, despite Hasegawa's always reasonably good fit, I now had some problems with it. The wing parts have also been installed, the only thing I want to do is to upgrade the inside of the wing section in the fuselage with extra wiring and tubes using lead wires from ASK.
26 January 2024, 18:30

Hi Jos! Looks great - will take a seat and watch ☺️
26 January 2024, 18:57

Wow, is that Gunze burnt iron inside the tailpipe? Making me want to get to a HAS Crusader already
26 January 2024, 20:54

Standing at the back of the room as the seats are already taken. Good progress Jos!
26 January 2024, 21:15

Thanks Thomas and Maciej, and welcome on board mates!
@Rando: I used indeed No.212 Iron from Gunze, I love this metal colors you can rub these metals shiny!
@Nathan: I have never worked with lead wires before, but it seems like fun work.
27 January 2024, 22:38

Nice to spend another day working on the Crusader. Various modifications were made, a lot of sanding, seams closed, placed some putty and panel lines reapplied. Finally, the canopy parts were placed in the Future for a super sleek and shiny look, which allowed to dry thoroughly for a few days.
18 February 2024, 18:19

Hi Jos, following this one also. It's looking suitably excellent as expected 😉
20 February 2024, 11:36

Great work so far Jos!! You'll add a lot of extra's I see, will be another stunner I guess.!
20 February 2024, 11:48

Things are starting to come together. You're right, it is nice to get a day for a project.
20 February 2024, 13:29

@Neil, thx mate...🫡!
@Erik, thx Scale Model Mate...there is indeed a load of AM stuff on it...🙈.
@Nathan, this weekend another two days of modeling...👍🏻
@Jennifer, welcome aboard...👊🏻
21 February 2024, 20:17

Another day of hard work...😉, on the Mig Killer. Finished the cockpit with a gloss coat, next step is the wash then a matt coat and finally seal everything. Also I had not the decals for the yellow Canopy framing, so instead the good old spray job was necessary...👍🏻.
25 February 2024, 19:34

I couldn't sleep, so I had to do some therapeutic work🤭 and put the Mig Killer in the black primer from Gunze (MrFinishing Surfacer 1500 Black)... always a nice moment, on to the beautiful NAVY colors!💪
21 March 2024, 23:53

Hopefully next weekend Rando...😁! Thanks Desert Martin. That's absolutely true Sergej, I would say 'Let the games begin'...😉! Many thanks Gary and Zhou!
22 March 2024, 23:46

The fuselage and wings were lightly sanded, I like a super smooth surface for the base colors, the intake was also sanded from the inside and sprayed in Gunze No. 316.
29 March 2024, 01:22

Sanding with 1,5-3k sponge is a must for the base surface. Also every layer of paint should get a light sanding in order to have a super smooth surface. I only stop sanding after gloss coats, unless some corners get the orange peel. Then the sponge comes out again 😄
29 March 2024, 08:24

That is also my working method Sergej, the surface must be as smooth as a baby's bottom...👍🏻
29 March 2024, 09:55

Sergej and Jos, what brand of sand sponges in that grit do you prefer? I should start doing what you describe
29 March 2024, 10:36

Rando, I tried Tamiya first and stayed with it. The 3000 grit is perfect for everything non-gloss.
For gloss surfaces - it's polishing stuff, also from Tamiya.
29 March 2024, 11:38

Rando, I order my abrasives on this site:
29 March 2024, 13:42

@Rando: Good luck mate! @Erik: Thx, I like smooth...😁
@DuperScale: Simply wipe off with a soft cloth.
The bottom is in the Gunze Mr.Color 316 US NAVY white... I like the black-basing technique, so you have control over the shadow effects you want to apply.
30 March 2024, 14:58

Looking great. I need to pay attention to your paint work for when I get around to that F-4J.
30 March 2024, 15:01

Looking excellent! I use a very similar sanding/painting. Even for gloss coat.
30 March 2024, 15:04

@Nathan: Thanks mate, have you started with that Phantom yet?
@Desert Marlin: Thanks mate, yes me too, everything should be super smooth before applying the next layer!
@Patrick: Thanks my friend!
31 March 2024, 07:52

Thanks mates, and welcome Daniel 😉!
The bottom of the fuselage is finished with the basic color C316, the landing gear, the wheels and the doors of the wheel bays are also sprayed. Followed immediately, but with a layer of Alclad Aqua Gloss on top.
1 April 2024, 22:12

Why that difference Jos? Aren't you glossing everything at once for a different flow of any wash? 🤔
2 April 2024, 17:27

Gunze C315 and C316 are Gloss paints, I have had bad experiences with this, because I often touch the sprayed parts too quickly with my fingers. As soon as there is a clear coat over it, then it's safe...haha, that's why!
2 April 2024, 22:43

Getting me excited to build more Crusaders 👍 idk what it is, the light gull grey on white is a simple scheme but I enjoyed painting it and I like the look. Very interested to see how this is gonna look Jos
3 April 2024, 12:24

Hey Rando, you are right that it is a simple scheme, but it is all the more challenging to airbrush the model and of course later apply the wash and the oil leakage streaks.
4 April 2024, 21:34

The US NAVY gray C315 from Gunze is on it, and the ejection seat is ready.
4 April 2024, 21:52

Excellent decal choice 👍I love Furball decals, can't wait to use them again
7 April 2024, 20:17

The P-8 Poseidon set is absolutely amazing! It's so similar to the old Micro-Scale quality I really have to be careful with setting solutions... just like it was back in the '70s!
7 April 2024, 20:46

...all detail parts are painted and in the Gloss, let it dry and then the fun part begins...decaling!
19 April 2024, 11:19

Thanks Sergej and Erik, appreciate it!
Gunze's metal paints are really nice and beautiful colors to work with, you spray it on, let it dry and then rub the paint with a cloth or cotton swab for a beautifully authentic result. I don't think I'm going to overdo it with all kinds of different metal colors on the exhaust, some builders sometimes go overboard with this. I have also made good progress with the decals, I am halfway through, but I don't have much time in the coming period, so this will be the case for now...stay tuned mates!
21 April 2024, 22:08

Awesome news about the Gunze metal colors!!! Your work looks great!
23 April 2024, 03:35

Jos, I got the Iron you were using here, and also the aluminum and chrome are on the way. They really are cool paints. Seeing your Crusader progress gets me itching to start my own!
23 April 2024, 10:58

Many thanks guys for your nice comments!
I still found time to finish the decals. Also applied with Gunze Smoke highlights to the seams of the panels. Then everything was sealed again with Aqua gloss from Alclad.
30 April 2024, 09:01