Тема започната от Intruder6E

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25 22 December 2023, 18:52

Excited to see the updates! You'll have the first 1/48 Romeo I've seen!
4 July 2024, 05:03

i have the same kit, do you plan on selling those printed interior parts???
4 July 2024, 07:18

Hi, will you consider going commercial with that update set? Looks lovely and I`m gonna make the RNoAF MH-60R when we get it (2026 ish). By the way, your build looks great - will follow!
5 July 2024, 05:01

Hi guys, I can upload STL files somewhere and put link here. I dont what to sell it cause is not perfect, so I keep it for free. The pylon support on left side need some design update cause is not placed in correct position
8 July 2024, 08:10

It looks awesome anyways mr! My only fear is not live enough to finish all mi kits
9 July 2024, 10:46