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Тема започната от homusbrencus

Andrea Brenco
добави нов фотоалбум.
51 15 January 2024, 21:00
 16 January 2024, 08:32
Oleg Bogolei
what type of thread did you use for the antennas?
 12 July 2024, 07:05
Nice 👍
 12 July 2024, 08:26
Very appealing paintwork and weathering!
 12 July 2024, 08:53
Andrea Brenco Автор
Thank you very much Nicolas and Neuling!!!
@Oleg: I use Uschi Superfine Elastic thread, I love it!!!
 12 July 2024, 17:02
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 13 July 2024, 20:01
Juergen Klinglhuber
Looking great !!
What kind of glue to you use for Uschis thread?
 13 July 2024, 20:17
Łukasz Gliński
Impressive finish Signor 👍
 13 July 2024, 20:32
Oleg Bogolei
@Andrea Brenco thanks for answer! will try tofind it)
 15 July 2024, 06:31
Andrea Brenco Автор
Thank you very much Rui and Lukasz, and to Juergen too!
@Juergen Klinglhuber: I use Tamiya Extra Thin when I have to glue it to plastic (typically inside an hole) and CA to other surface or when I need a permanent fix in case I have to use again Tamiya ET over it (sometimes I glue rigging to the struts and then to the wing)
@ Oleg Bogolei: Ithink AK sell it too with their brand on it
 15 July 2024, 15:56
Juergen Klinglhuber
thank you - never thought about Tamiya extra thin,...will try that too
 17 July 2024, 08:55

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