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70 3 February 2024, 20:00

Well done mate! Love the paint scheme and presentation 👌
@Trez: ....instead of ranting, build it and come up with your own innovative way of presenting it
17 February 2024, 03:54

Fantastic 👍 I really like the scheme. Good execution and presentation!
17 February 2024, 09:33

Very nice and innovative build. Really like the paint scheme. Could i ask where you found the paint scheme or is it a fictional one?
17 February 2024, 10:31

Thanks for all the comment!
@Trez: I would love to have crews for my planes, but it's rare. Border Model doesn't give you one with this kit just a standing Rudel as extra and in general it's quite rare to get pilots and gunners. But I do like my planes in flight, so I rather have them in flight without crew, than on the ground. As I would call it "the sitting duck position".
@Alan G: It's a scheme found on the old 1/72 Matchbox kit. I did build that when I was a kid and I just felt like redoing it with this one.
17 February 2024, 10:53

Thanks for replying regarding the paint scheme. I'll have to try and find the unit and a picture of it now. I'd like to have a bash at doing this.
17 February 2024, 11:16

@Alan G: The paint scheme on the Matchbox kit is for a D3 version, so this build of mine is really an "artistic flare" as others would say. I haven't seen any images of this kind of camo on a G1/G2.
The reference on the Matchbox kit is JU 87/D3. 1/St.G2. "Immelmann" Russian Front 1943/44, with the id T6+BH.
Hope this helps finding it.
17 February 2024, 15:49

@Trez Mackenzie
Or was never photographed. We have no clue what camo schemas the ground crew applied on each and every airplane. Especially washable white, which we all know was just temporary.
The underlying camo paint is the default one though. So that existed.
Granted, the identification number is completely fabricated and has been applied wrong anyway. as the right side should've been the other way around and not mirrored.
On the other hand, I am tired to see yet another Rudel Stuka, so I did this.
It's like getting a flaming skull tattoo. You think you get something unique and then you see 10 other people having the same skull on the street.
12 May 2024, 13:16

If I could build a kit that well I would not feel compelled to apologize or explain away anything. Love the camo scheme and presentation. Any chance we could get some close-up pics of the interior?
8 July 2024, 13:03

@Soeren R.
Thank you!
The outside is gorgeous with all the rivet detail and the fit is almost perfect.
The inside is lackluster. No harnesses, the control stick is completely wrong, the rear turret is not that great either. The instructions are vague, no color call outs, No decal instructions. Overall bad instructions. But this is something I noticed with Border Model kits. The things they do well, they do it really good. The things they miss or do bad, they are really bad.
So overall I would say it's a strong middle. The good parts are exceptional, but the bad parts do weigh it down. If you're going to build it, I would recommend doing research on it and for decal positions I recommend using other kit instructions, like the Trumpeter 1/24 one.
Thank you! Your kits look great as well!
Sadly the cockpit is all closed up, but you can check out the build videos of it on my YouTube channel about the build if you want to see the insides, the last one should be up soon as well.
Thank you!
8 July 2024, 18:41

That is a really inspiring build. Love the result. Can i ask, is youre canopy clear? My set has some weird distorsion.
1 3 January, 00:16

I didn't have any problems with my canopy.
Maybe try dipping it clear varnish and see if that gets rid of it. Although that is usually good for scuffs and scratches. Don't know how much it would help with distortions.
3 January, 09:07