Тема започната от stephjay

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32 5 February 2024, 23:36

That is a nice and sharp colour line between the red and black there. Very crisp line. Following.
10 February 2024, 02:24

Cars really aren't my thing, but I couldn't help but take a look. Dude, you just keep the standard rolling, for the rest of us! However, I took pity on one tiny flaw. Like the rest of us, you've fallen prey to the dreaded hair! I've seriously considered going into my cave, in a paper suit, to avoid the dreaded hair in the paint job! I've literally tried everything to combat it, but there's always bloody one! I swear, if I shaved my whole body, and painted naked, a hair would miraculously appear, usually on the hood or roof, of one of my builds? I've been told that the only way to avoid this, is to move your paint job into a sealed container, until it's fully cured. I can just imagine all the containers in my cave, just waiting to cure? Nevertheless mate, excellent work, once again. I look forward to seeing this one, through the finish line 👍
1 18 February 2024, 01:04

OK, Bozzer, you must have an incredibly sharp eye. In which photo (number) does this hair appear?
18 February 2024, 01:10

AHH, I'm not pulling the guy apart, just sympathetic to his hard work and the curse of the dreaded hair. Pics 5 & 12, show the demon, right in the centre of that beautifully painted hood. I noticed it, when I zoomed in on his impressive paintwork
18 February 2024, 01:15

Ah, *wow* you have a good eye; yes, I see it in 12 now. It makes me thankful that I am building a cruddy, rusted, dirty old bomber and not trying to build a bright, shiny car. Stéphane, I would not worry about the hair; I had to look for a full minute, having been told it was there to see it.
18 February 2024, 01:17

@jennifer. It's a curse of mine, that I'll probably take to the grave! I've asked many people, how they do flawless paintwork, and everyone is different. I wouldn't mind if I was an aging hippy or even a grizzly bear, but I'm not? They are just attracted to my paint, and always in the most obvious place.
18 February 2024, 01:23

@Bozzer, you know I am going to watch all your builds for hair now, right?
18 February 2024, 01:26

Lol, you won't have to look hard! I kinda solved my dust issues, by turning off my extractor, once I'd finished painting and clear coating. However, the illustrious hair, still plagues me! I've not done any painting in my new cave yet, so I'm kinda hoping for some good results, once I'm up and running 👍
18 February 2024, 01:30

To avoid dust (and from now on hairs) getting in my paint, I place an upside down plastic container over my builds. With a little bit of an opening to let the vapours out. The plastic is supposedly attracting the dust inside?
See pic 17 here WIP - Chevy Impala | Album by Mahoo76 (1:25)
18 February 2024, 07:52

In picture 12, you can also my fingerprint on the top left (in black section). I already corrected this one, and will(try to) manage the hear later this week
18 February 2024, 11:13

@Stéphane. To me, it looks like it's in the clear coat? I'd try rubbing it out with a gentle cutting compound? I've had success with this before. Hopefully, you will ace it, with no issues. Please rub gently! The idea is to remove small layers and the hair, not all that fantastic paint. Fingerprints are allowed. It proves you were at the scene of the crime 😉
18 February 2024, 12:59

I cross fingers for the technic to "remove" the hair. Never did it before...
18 February 2024, 15:48

I am really unlucky as I have no hair anymore, and they finished on the paint......
18 February 2024, 15:57

great thread - didn't think about tipping the model over to avoid hair. I think everyone's left their mark on their kits at one time or another, hair, fingerprint - even cat hair from our assistants. 😬. I normally don't look at cars, but your build somehow has me enthralled…. Keep up the great work!
18 February 2024, 16:43

Excellent recovery mate! Back on track and firing ahead, under full steam 🙂
20 February 2024, 22:58